Registered: Oct 31, 2009
Posts: 7
Wed Jun 25, 2014 3:25 pm
1)I suggest that you make a store page for people to go and buy items from the stores other than in Yo because its not working correctly for everyone. Also it will help with lagging for so many people coming to buy items int he game at the same time.
2) We all love the Yo page where we could long on and look at our homes and all our rooms all our items including clothing. I know many people want that back. Its is really important and really does help us out in the game. The only thing is that I ask is that you don't let other players be able to look in that page unless they have permission for the player and the game at the same time.
3)This would benefit your company if you put all items that are no longer being sold on Yo to be sold on a store page for a Yocash price because of this it will continuously bring in money by giving People the ability to purchases when ever they want and would have to by Yocash. Also I would like to add that it will help with hackers that want the items and try to get them the wrong way. Please consider my suggestion I have many Ideas.