Registered: Mar 04, 2012
Posts: 247
Sun Jul 06, 2014 6:50 am
There are quite a few things that I would love to see in the game! Some of these things include:
- Apartment / Houses rating - so people are able to give you a thumbs up or a thumbs down. Give it a good popularity
- Event Rating - for people to put a thumbs up or a thumbs down. Those who have lots of thumbs up then can go on top of the event list
- Avatar Rating - simply just to rate your avatar
- OLD ALTON TOWERS BACK! - That moving screen highly annoys me. It causes lag.
- New places on the YoWorld map - gym, park
- Make gifting unlimited Because I like to gift my friends quite often, four is just not simply enough lol
- Sell furnished houses - for those who don't like editing their homes or have not got the time
- A chance for people to earn YoCash - people who go on YoWorld everyday for about 15+ will receive 1/2yc.
- YoBank - To save your coins up. Also will be a good idea if you could trade in your YoCoins for YoCash.
- Add YoCash in trade - For people who want to sell stuff for YoCash or maybe people want to buy stuff for YoCash.
- Music in your apartments - To be able to add your own playlist and upload your own music.
- More levels added to the game, so old players can progress
I would also love to see a popularity bar. If you get reported / blocked, your popularity bar will go down. If you make friends etc, your popularity bar will go high. If it reaches a certain level then you win something.