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Registered: Sep 18, 2009
Posts: 9962

Mon Aug 26, 2024 11:38 am
Amy Pond (117302962) wrote:Image

It is getting harder and harder for them to deny that they are trying to run out the clock on us forgetting about this and MOVING ON.
They don't get how important these were to the game, and that a lot of us will NEVER forget, or forgive what they did.
So sad for us, eh?


Registered: Feb 24, 2009
Posts: 24081

Mon Aug 26, 2024 12:18 pm
DANDELIONWINE (122607870) wrote:
Amy Pond (117302962) wrote:Image

It is getting harder and harder for them to deny that they are trying to run out the clock on us forgetting about this and MOVING ON.
They don't get how important these were to the game, and that a lot of us will NEVER forget, or forgive what they did.
So sad for us, eh?

I don't know if they don't get it or they just plain don't care. I wonder if they even read our comments here and in feedback threads. :nerd:

BP Speed

Registered: Dec 21, 2008
Posts: 172

Mon Aug 26, 2024 6:48 pm
Didn't one of the vikings flat out say that us forumers don't matter much? or don't count as much as others?

They don't care if we ever get the paint boards back. My wallet is completely closed until that is all resolved and I hope I'm not the only one either! :grr


Registered: Feb 24, 2009
Posts: 24081

Mon Aug 26, 2024 7:31 pm
BP Speedrcr (6526628) wrote:Didn't one of the vikings flat out say that us forumers don't matter much? or don't count as much as others?

They don't care if we ever get the paint boards back. My wallet is completely closed until that is all resolved and I hope I'm not the only one either! :grr

They hinted at that in the sense that we loud ones here were the "vocal minority" meaning that only a small few of us spoke up here. I think that had to do with theme tastes, suggestions, colors, female vs male clothing items and decor/themes, etc. If they consider the numerous players who used the boards and don't post here, they are probably overlooking many who have quit spending or walked away after this.

They had a valid reason to disable the boards, but by now (months later) they should have found a fix to make the boards unable to display anything that goes against the TOS. :sad:

Mayo Warrior

Registered: Apr 10, 2012
Posts: 3085

Tue Aug 27, 2024 10:11 am
Have Paint Boards been fully removed from the game now?

I had some blank paint boards in my room as they were part of the design, and I kept them even though they were empty. They have just vanished and I no longer see them appearing in store.


Registered: Feb 24, 2009
Posts: 24081

Tue Aug 27, 2024 5:39 pm
not warrior (182597586) wrote:Have Paint Boards been fully removed from the game now?

I had some blank paint boards in my room as they were part of the design, and I kept them even though they were empty. They have just vanished and I no longer see them appearing in store.

This must have just happened. As of yesterday or the last couple days, someone mentioned they were still available in the store but they're not anymore, and all my now blank ones I left waiting for a fix are gone from the rooms. The strange thing is in my inventory crate they still show as in the rooms even though they have poofed from them. AND they still show in available inventory when in edit mode, but can't be pulled into a room. :dizzy:

I wish they would talk to us and let us know wth is going on. No updates ever except, "we're working on it" or whatever. :sad:

Amy Pond

Registered: Aug 26, 2009
Posts: 6210

Tue Aug 27, 2024 7:50 pm
YEP all my boards are GONE.
Seriously? so bvg remove them, don't bother to tell us, don't compensate us and think this is okay.


Registered: Aug 12, 2014
Posts: 94

Wed Aug 28, 2024 1:21 am
LisaTM (10095126) wrote:
BP Speedrcr (6526628) wrote:Didn't one of the vikings flat out say that us forumers don't matter much? or don't count as much as others?

They don't care if we ever get the paint boards back. My wallet is completely closed until that is all resolved and I hope I'm not the only one either! :grr

They hinted at that in the sense that we loud ones here were the "vocal minority" meaning that only a small few of us spoke up here. I think that had to do with theme tastes, suggestions, colors, female vs male clothing items and decor/themes, etc. If they consider the numerous players who used the boards and don't post here, they are probably overlooking many who have quit spending or walked away after this.

They had a valid reason to disable the boards, but by now (months later) they should have found a fix to make the boards unable to display anything that goes against the TOS. :sad:

Gamblers might keep the game "running" BUT every hosts + players kept the game "ALIVE".

If they aren't fixing issues in the game, creating new / designing things for the game, changing the map, daily chests, etc.. Then what exactly are they doing and what are the players paying them for? Isn't that their job as game developers to run their game.. :eh: ( Thanks for keeping the flash game running but this is the bare minimum :haha: )

It doesn't make any sense for the artists / designers to want to give players a safe environment to "express creativity" but then for [ xyz ] to take it away. ( That's why I don't like the criticism towards them because I highly doubt it's them. They might have incredibly small teams for that aspect of the game and there's more to a game than just art / designing )

It doesn't make any sense to have a forum to discuss topics about the game ( including this ) but then to dismiss / ignore what is obviously an issue. ( Especially when people have been so respectful and carefully reminding them from time to time again )

There is no way that they or anyone would say that the ones complaining about the whiteboard issue are the "vocal minority". :haha:

The average 500-1.6k players playing per month is INCOMPARABLE to the TENS OF THOUSANDS TO MILLIONS of players playing from the entirety of the game. ( 10+ yrs ) :haha:

Those large + Medium paint boards cost yocash. ( As do the many of the things that I've been discussing multiple times )

I've had paint boards and would buy from other players who would design stuff that I'd request back then. Those were some fun times. Players would enter and talk about their favorite music groups ( because I had stuff like that )

I also know that there are hosts who stopped hosting because of the paint boards. I have no idea if any of them spoke out about it on the forums but it's an entirely different story in game. :haha:


Registered: Aug 12, 2014
Posts: 94

Wed Aug 28, 2024 1:54 am
not warrior (182597586) wrote:Have Paint Boards been fully removed from the game now?

I had some blank paint boards in my room as they were part of the design, and I kept them even though they were empty. They have just vanished and I no longer see them appearing in store.

I just checked and they're gone from the flowers and gift store.

My paint boards back then were just transparent and I kept them somewhere in a room. ( Don't know where - if I sold it or gifted or something but I can't find it :haha: )

This is just great, lovely, fantastic. Give us nothing!! :party: ( I am joking. ) :haha:


Registered: Sep 18, 2009
Posts: 9962

Wed Aug 28, 2024 7:11 am
HELLO (185866826) wrote:
not warrior (182597586) wrote:Have Paint Boards been fully removed from the game now?

I had some blank paint boards in my room as they were part of the design, and I kept them even though they were empty. They have just vanished and I no longer see them appearing in store.

I just checked and they're gone from the flowers and gift store.

My paint boards back then were just transparent and I kept them somewhere in a room. ( Don't know where - if I sold it or gifted or something but I can't find it :haha: )

This is just great, lovely, fantastic. Give us nothing!! :party: ( I am joking. ) :haha:

Your comment made me wonder about my own paint boards..........which used to show up as blank when I would edit a room that had some in it.
It gave me hope, even though things have been in limbo for so long that MAYBE they would find a way to restore their images they stole from me and my boards!!

YES I consider them stolen!!
They were my memories from dear friends who have passed on but made me some beautiful art while they where still here, other boards made to illustrate my hopes, my dreams, things I often pour into this game in many different forms!!
Pictures, stories I'd write, rooms and outfits I'd make to illustrate my stories etc.
The Paint boards were in so many ways the heart beat of this game for many!!

They kept assuring us they were working on a resolution and gave us FALSE HOPE THROUGH EMPTY UNTRUE WORDS just to shut us up. I felt this then, but was told I was wrong...........REALLY, I'm still wrong now!?
I'm now pretty sure the chances of any kind of positive resolve for us is less than 5%, if even that high!!

It turns out they were working more on ways to hide the evidence of what they did instead of finding a resolve for us! THIS IS WAY DIFFERENT! This is now a cover up! They were working on it, but finding a resolution for THEMSELVES so they can finally put our unrest to bed.
So sad for us paint board owners/lovers.

My Paint Boards now seem gone from my room too, and no longer show when I go into edit mode in a room that has paint boards in it.
I did do a check of the room inventory, and luckily for the Vikings the boards are still showing in the room inventory, or I'd be absolutely LIVID right now instead of deeply disappointed and feeling tricked and lied to by them.
Not sure these feelings are much better than being absolutely LIVID.

Any way you slice this, it is both unpleasant, disappointing, and very SAD for our playing community.
I'd like to hear a valid reason for them to make them invisible in the game....and further reassurance that they are not going to steal these innocent images permanently from us. Mine were all tied to photos in my facebook gallery, I did not use some secondary off site graphics program like IMGUR....

This resolve they are doing is going in the wrong direction. They need to own up that they intended all along to just steal these images from us and do not intend to give them back instead of stringing us along, obviously waiting for us to forget and forgive.
They under estimate us again, and take us for fools and idiots!!

Good will is EARNED!! They have a lot to make up for here, sad to say!!
Nobody likes to be deceived.........and to go through such elaborate plans to deceive is unforgivable, and reflects strongly on BVG's character.
This was always their CHOICE...........the truth of their choice is shining through the smoke screen, glaring at our faces...it is hard to deny the real truth of what is going on with our paint boards.

Viking Andrew
The Best Taco Artist

Registered: n/a
Posts: 5145

Wed Aug 28, 2024 9:19 am
Hey everyone,

We recently removed Paint Boards from the store so they are not able to be purchased anymore while we work on fixing them.

It looks like this had the unexpected side-effect of removing them from your homes as well. You should still have everything you purchased in your inventory, nothing should have actually been taken.

I've let the team know so we can get that fixed up now.

We apologize for this inconvenience.


Registered: Aug 23, 2009
Posts: 3497

Wed Aug 28, 2024 9:22 am
Viking Andrew wrote:Hey everyone,

We recently removed Paint Boards from the store so they are not able to be purchased anymore while we work on fixing them.

It looks like this had the unexpected side-effect of removing them from your homes as well. You should still have everything you purchased in your inventory, nothing should have actually been taken.

I've let the team know so we can get that fixed up now.

We apologize for this inconvenience.

What good are the boards now? Are you ever going to get these boards fixed?


Registered: Jul 11, 2009
Posts: 23524

Wed Aug 28, 2024 12:08 pm
I had MANY paintboards in use in rooms where they added theme decor that was not available in the game. Many were large murals for my Wizard of Oz train. I purposefully did not remove them and put them in my inventory in the misguided HOPE that someday the images could be restored. Now they are all in my inventory which means EVEN if the images were restored, I would have to reassemble each mural. This is an extreme pain in the behind to do. I see this as adding to the slap in my face, to also punching me in the gut for each board that was thrown back into my inventory.


LindyLou Who

Registered: Oct 03, 2009
Posts: 14169

Wed Aug 28, 2024 1:20 pm
I checked my inventory and nothing .How are you going to know what to compensate someone if you don't know what they bought .. :sad:

Robyn VIP

Registered: Jan 27, 2009
Posts: 6282

Wed Aug 28, 2024 1:27 pm
I have zero hope that we will ever get our erased boards back. This game means very little to me these days, I'm just here out of habit.


Registered: Mar 13, 2012
Posts: 24004

Wed Aug 28, 2024 8:57 pm
I have No Boards returned to my inventory.
and i had alot. :dizzy:
This is just p!ssing me off more,and making it alot easier to stop logging on at all now.


Registered: Jun 27, 2009
Posts: 109295

Wed Aug 28, 2024 10:44 pm
ok I just went into one room and they are gone I left them in ALL the rooms because I actually thought bvg was going to try to get those images back for us because had I pulled them into inventory it would take half a year to place them back as sets and sets of them would require a lot of work so having good faith in BVG I kept them in rooms and avenues.

I went into my inventory but something is amock for sure,it shows only 44 paint boards????????????? like I had over 20 in one room alone!!!
also Dia has made me more than the 2 small or 2 large that show as added up to 44!!!!! She has made me images that required sometimes 4 boards and not all of them were on small boards. I also won a lot of her designs when she did contests and those were HUGE designs and on top of that Dia also gifted me designs that add up to even more boards and in one room-avenue it was my fav as it was NY waterfront where there was ALL paintboards filling the back and sides and I added some squirrels and flowers and park benches for when someone would visit they could sit-I had may compliments on that ave

so not only did my boards go to blank then actually went into a black hole as MOST are NOT showing in my invo

I had 2 rooms alone designed in memory of my daughter and was so upset when they went to white now these are gone or may be partly in inventory but I sure know for a fact that I had more than what it says in my inventory

I'm really upset about this and I hope BVG will get these all back to me

I'm more upset that those who did such awesome works for me with the boards have to feel shattered that this happened.
I hope this all gets fixed!

Obey Noob

Registered: Oct 21, 2009
Posts: 9697

Thu Aug 29, 2024 11:30 am
You couldn't make it up. Lol.


Registered: Sep 23, 2009
Posts: 24128

Thu Aug 29, 2024 2:58 pm

Not paint boards, but still strangely good art.... :haha:

edited to say that this was today... :idea:


Registered: Jan 11, 2011
Posts: 45

Fri Aug 30, 2024 5:31 pm
Viking Andrew wrote:Hey everyone,

We recently removed Paint Boards from the store so they are not able to be purchased anymore while we work on fixing them.

It looks like this had the unexpected side-effect of removing them from your homes as well. You should still have everything you purchased in your inventory, nothing should have actually been taken.

I've let the team know so we can get that fixed up now.

We apologize for this inconvenience.

Thanks Andrew -

It looks like they were successful.
All my boards were returned where I left them in the decorated rooms.
Albeit, they are still blank. :(
I hope the images return soon. :thumbsup: