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- YoWorld Forums > YoWorld Discussions > [NEWS] IMPORTANT UPDATE: Paint Boards Are Disabled (June 6)
Reapthis (8120341) wrote:I have hundreds of paintboards I hand drew with a mouse and some took 100+ hours to do. And I got a piss poor 25 yo cash. Shame on you. You could have set up a process where all paintboards had to be approved thru you before posting. I've spent 1000's of real money on this game and this is the way you treat us. I'm glad I'm not your wife and kids.You should have pressed charges against the perpetrators you had the means YOUR PROFESSIONAL, ARENT YOU??? I not only lost ALL of my hand drawn art but am no longer able to host a pictionary game that everyone still begs for.YOU HAD EVERY TOOL IN YOUR MEANS TO FIND OUT WHO POSTED THE PERVERSION AND YET YOU DID NOTHING AND SHAME ON YOU AGAIN. They will just take their tools and do the same to orther games that have similar boards. In my opinion if the items being posted on the game were that offensive YOU DIDN'T DO YOUR DILIGENCE TO SEE THOSE INVOLVED WERE PROCECUTED TO THE FULLEST EXTENT OF THE LAW. SHAME ON YOU AGAIN.I have played this game since 01/08.2009 and delt with the hackers the kids and the trolls and yet you still do NOTHING to control them. Other than allowing us to block and report. But i still see the same ol slime bags come to my events and sky.
DANDELIONWINE (122607870) wrote:Mr TaZ (141354838) wrote:Checking to see if there has been an update, but I see it's just SSDD.
This is why I'm here too........And I stand by my original statement that I think they are just going to try to run the clock out until we forget then sweep it all under the carpet, doing nothing to fix, compensate, or give consideration.......this issue seems dead to them.
It's still an open wound to many many players. It was a real pivotal point in a lot of folks decision to stop playing or stop spending.
I mean why buy something, or rather rent something, which is what we're really doing, when at any given time, with no notice, it can be yanked out of the game or worse.
Sad to see this is the business practice of this company.
I know this one issue has greatly affected my attitude and LOVE I once had for this game.........good friends are what keeps me here today. I lost interest in playing the same time they stole all my paint boards away.......and now are playing games with our head about it.
Not very honest IMHO