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Xx BlUe DiAmOnD CF xX (13365587) wrote:LooLYo (183302531) wrote:Xx BlUe DiAmOnD CF xX (13365587) wrote:They've been released, there is nothing more to it lol. We thought Zynga was going to stop re-released too and they didn't which caused a lot of players to quit. I don't want to waste my time or money if they are going to do the same thing. I like the idea of actually buying rare items.
Who said they're going to do the same thing?
They're already off to a good start. Look at the big picture LooL. Re-releasing old valued pets? Come on now, I know a little better than that... starting off small and then getting bigger. Those pets were not easy to get. in fact, I got a Dalmation a couple years ago or so for about 500k... it took me weeks of searching to get it, if I would have known it was going to be re-relased, I could have waited and just spent less time and actual money on Yocash.
Only way to convince me that they won't do it is if they actually say they aren't, but until then, I won't be investing any time or money into the game as they're would honestly be no point.
DANDELIONWINE (122607870) wrote:We have a new owner and a new game direction.
I remember the Viking's saying on that they are unlikely to rerelease any old Zynga theme, but they may design their own version of some player favorites.
That being said,
I say let's see what suprises the Vikings have in store for us coming up.
I'm much more excitited about getting new stuff than I am in the old stuffl
Very excited indeed.
Willow (13350872) wrote:Roma (167876742) wrote:Pete (2679242) wrote:Alongside the pets re-release come the obligatory tears.
Yoworld's economy is in tatters and people are hanging on to the past for all its worth. It is time to let go and embrace the future of the game.
Under Zynga's watch hackers and price jackers ran the yoconomy into the ground. People took advantage of the psuedo Laissez-faire economy that was birthed in Z's outhouse to the point that a culture of entitlement has become entrenched among certain players.
If Yoworld is to survive the yoconomy needs to be rebooted. In it's current form it is unsustainable. Something needs to give. If the economy is to be rebooted items need to be devalued. The only items that should not be re-released are collectibles. Everything else is fair game.
The pet store will have provided BVG with a small taste of the whinging associated with re-releases. If re-releasing themes, items, unreleased and short term released items is going to be done, it needs to be done in one foul swoop. You cannot re-release items slowly over time, this will only create a long term drama. All items need to be re-released at once without forewarning.
That way all the players will cry at once, they will go through the stages of grief and when all is said and done, Yoworld will finally free of the baggage of the past and people will be able to look to the future, a future of opportunity and possibility under management that actually cares for the game.
It needs to be done soon, during this transition period. Leave it too long and it will be to late.
Re-releases are good for the game, you need to look past your greed and virtual wealth. Sometimes you need to take one for the team, if there was going to be a time to do this, this is it.
AMEN!!!!!!!!!!! Best post I have read on this forum.![]()
People do not realize that the only once who will be left in the game with this kind of prices are the same 1-2 thousand die hard players that were left standing after zynga sold this game. New people will never be able to afford any of this items & because of it, they will LEAVE this game. Without new players & new influx of people buying YC & coins from BVG company would not be able to keep this game... so all this pleading about saving this game so they can meet new people & socialize was useless.
Only rares in the games should be collectables & things like robo girl & robo boy & so on, things they you could only get as rewords. If it was in store Re-Relise it.
New people can afford if they buy yocashWhy do you think the ones that don't want re-releases....don't want re-releases because they've spent tons of money on the game to get where they are. And i'm not saying this about all people but some of the ones that want re-releases don't have the items they want because they don't spend money on the game. And sure we've lost a lot of the older players because of zyngas mess ups. One being re-releases and another events going down. And many people got hacked or scammed and never got their items back. Now if people don't have anything to work for in the game. Then why spend a ton of money on it?
Xx BlUe DiAmOnD CF xX (13365587) wrote:They might have forgot about them, they got the top pets, the groovy ones and the labor day ones... those were definitely the most valuable ones.
Xx BlUe DiAmOnD CF xX (13365587) wrote:BVG has to realize that we have taken a lot of crap from Zynga, a lot of our hopes were given up and something like this is just too much. It doesn't take much to get anyone to quit the game anymore... it's nice that they saved they game and I seriously do think they have made some awesome improvements with getting the old stuff working. I just don't think Re-releasing is the way to go, it's not going to help.
It's almost like eating a dinner you absolutely hated as a kid, it went away and you thought it wouldn't be back. Well one day it surprised you and came back, it just makes you want to give up on eating dinner because you now know that there's always a chance that you'll have that same supper another time.
Ra 88 (145279978) wrote:Rereleases devalue the way we all saved things in the game to make them rare. Its the way we thrive and build in here. releasing everything would mean we don't have any reason to buy save and sell. Thats how some of us play. Its not wrong. It makes the game more fun. More worth buying and selling. antiques are pricy and in yo its the same.
Lippyfoo (185643699) wrote:i'd much prefer a re-release of any kind, than the game to be shut down
life aint perfect. neither is our SAVED gaming pixels
Pete (2679242) wrote:Xx BlUe DiAmOnD CF xX (13365587) wrote:BVG, I was a huge supporter in you guys taking over Yoville/YoWorld, but now I'm seeing a downfall already. Re-releasing is part of why Zynga took a huge dive in the negatives with Yoville. And on that note, I'm just not even going to bother spending my money again on things that will just be re-released as I see you're already on that path. New items is what has been asked for, not old ones.
Best of luck to you and your game. I currently just don't think I'm going to be apart of it. Thanks for saving it, just not the way I was hoping for.
~BlUe DiAmOnD
The re-releases is hardly the reason Yoville took a hit with Zynga. Zynga's priorities changed and they made the decision to close Yoville because it didn't fit with their new business plan, that's why the themes stopped, they weren't supporting Yo anymore. Once the themes stopped they started with the re-releases as a cash grab before they closed the game.
With the amount of money floating around in the game, even if BVG makes new items, as soon as they leave the store they will rocket in price and become unreachable to new players who will not be able to afford crazy prices that older players with millions will. This game needs new players to survive.
tink (185739646) wrote:bad mistake to re-releases. not that it really matters if i quit over it the game will continue. i can be patient waiting on themes, glitches etc. i buy yocash for future rares. releasing the jag, poodle and groovy is not kewl !!!
Emperor Penguin (584519) wrote:Ra 88 (145279978) wrote:Rereleases devalue the way we all saved things in the game to make them rare. Its the way we thrive and build in here. releasing everything would mean we don't have any reason to buy save and sell. Thats how some of us play. Its not wrong. It makes the game more fun. More worth buying and selling. antiques are pricy and in yo its the same.
I agree with this post. Collecting rare items is how some people play the game, and if they lose what they've spent a long time collecting, then whats the point of continuing to play? People collect antiques in real life.. just as hey do in Yo. Also, the rarity will just pass on to the next item. There are ALWAYS going to be items that are expensive and that people want to get their hands on. Re-releasing won't stop that.