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Shadeaux (145701342) wrote:Ok, seriously pleeeeease please please please halp me you guys!!! I've been searching all over Yoworld for literally minutes here. I have been trying to find these stuffs because if I don't get them now I will likely light myself on fire or something. I have turned over ever leaf, licked every rock, smelled every nook & cranny of this entire Yoniverse lloking for my precious items. So, if you have any ... I reallllly want to buy them! So, DON'T gift them to me. For really reals! I mean it. Ok, so.. here is what I am literally crying over right now...
Thank you in advance for any gif... ooops, I mean anything you can sell to me. kthxbaii! xoxoxoxoxoxo
PingPong (181639560) wrote:what do u want ? i might have some for ya .. but, please dont tell me you want my yirginity ... because i am looking for it as well