Clementina RoseWood
Registered: Jan 09, 2010
Posts: 1340
Thu Jul 10, 2014 8:42 pm
Hey, Yos!
You've all probably been wondering what all of this talk about Mary this and Whiteboard that is! Well, it was an elaborate hoax, with a few major players.
If I may, I would like to recommend you to read Anthony's research on the YoWorld Wikia about "Mary Everlasting" and the "Blue Man." They're utterly spine tingling and cringe worthy fun! Now, onto the point. A few of us on the Forums (not naming names), INCLUDING
the Mary Everlasting, decided to play into these paranormal YoLegends in order to build the suspense for this year's Halloween!
If you remember, last night, I posted in Jericho's fun thread regarding my "purchase of a Blue Man whiteboard for 250c." Well, I actually created a FEW of these whiteboards for fun, and decided to stir up a little trouble.
Seances for the legendary YoMyths were held, and a lot of people got scared (which was the desired effect that we wanted to impose among the populace)! This evening, we had a bit of a scuffle, as I was going to "announce BIG news about Blue Man and Mary Everlasting." Well, yes, I was going to announce big news. I was going to announce that it was a big ploy to get you all excited for what is going to the the BEST forum party of 2014 - this year's annual Halloween Forum Party!
More details are to come, but start getting ready for Halloween! I hope we hyped you up for this coming October! You haven't seen the last of Mary Everlasting, the Blue Man, and Cheryl! *evil laugh*
VIKINGS, I apologize for ANY disturbance this caused.