I've been playing Yo for a little while and I've noticed that the Yo Community has tons and tons of different types of people. Some, though, aren't favoured by a lot of the community. I've noticed that some of these people display symptoms of real-world mental illness on YoWorld.
(This is supposed to be a fun thread, I don't actually think these people really have mental illnesses.)
How many Avatars do you see looking like this at Altons?
I don't want to generalise but most of the bikini-clad, essentially naked Yo's I've seen are normally beggars.
These people display symptoms of HPD, Histrionic Personality Disorder. Symptoms of this are:
1. Attention Seeking. (All caps, loudly begging)
2. Dressing provocatively. (Bikini)
3. Being overly seductive (Basically pming any guy they see, asking them to go to his/her home...)
4. Switching from one extreme emotion to another instantly (Crying and crying with a sad face emoticon and then unjustified elation if someone actually gifts them.)
5. Thinking relationships are more intimate than they really are. (This is my favourite one; chairs on beds.. Alot.)
Then the modders and scammers.
The symptoms of ASPD, Anti-Social Personality Disorder, almost match what modders and scammers act like.
1. Failure to be able to follow rules (Precisely what modders are like, they don't even gain anything from some mods and it's probable they just do it because they shouldn't be.)
2. Desire to cause chaos (Like before, with mods like dc'ing people and such - they don't even gain anything, they just annoy or upset people.)
3. Lying and creating multiple aliases. (Or alts, basically.)
4. Lack of remorse (Scammers, hackers and modders don't care who they've hurt or stolen from. They don't care about the distress they've caused people by taking their favourite item(s))
5. Failure to plan ahead and plain disregard for safety (They don't think about getting banned, they'll gladly flaunt their mods and scams around without thinking who might be watching, and who might stop them)
6. Aggressive behaviour for little or no reason (Modders are aggressive to other players for nothing, and throw out the noob card one too many times.)
And my favourite - the YoBabies.
An adult acting like a child can mean many things, but I decided to go with DPD, Dependent Personality Disorder.
A few symptoms are:
1. Becoming overly attached to people (YoBabies are extremely clingy, right?)
2. A constant
need to have someone help them (Creating events, looking for someone to care for them!)
3. Wanting things given to them (The begging)
4. Being unable to make decisions for themselves (They rely on their supposed parents for everything, they never leave them or do anything other than whine and beg.)
So, if you were patient enough to read all of that, now you know about the many mental deficiencies present in our game.
Edit: I've been lurking for a while, and this is my first post. So hi to everyone!