King Kidnem
Registered: Sep 04, 2010
Posts: 1504
Wed Jul 30, 2014 6:18 pm
Basically, a couple of days ago, i got accused of being a scammer when i never scammed anyone. Some girl came to my event and accused me of scamming her then she poofed. I don't know if someone else with this name scammed her or someone impersonating me is trying to give me a bad rep. I was going to post a thread on it but i let it go. Then, today i went to an event and another girl accused me of being a scammer. She said her brother said i scammed him. Now i know something fishy is going on. Someone out there with my name is scamming people. I thought the first girl was just trying to scare me or troll but now i see that's there's a legit scammer out there with the same name. Also, my name use to be "flash" and "kidnem" and some other names but i changed them overtime because i got bored and other reasons (been playing this game for 5 years and i would change them to spy on other mafias/groups). These girls claimed the scams are recent so that's how ik someone stole my name just to give me a bad rep because i just changed my name to wicked about a month ago when i started to play yoville again (i had quite for a few months and my old friends stopped playing so i wanted to start over)... I just don't what to do.. I don't want to change my name because i don't want to have to tell all my yofriends (i have alot) and i shouldn't have to for crimes i didn't even commit. I actually do the opposite of scam and give out free coins to people (go to job events and tip people thousands, just randomly trade people and give out coins, give out coins to help people make their places better, etc.). I'm just scared people might think i'm the one who has been scamming and report me. I've been playing since 09 and never been banned or had any trouble with people (until now, from these false accusations) ingame or Zynga. What do i do??
- I didn't read this over like i usually do because it's long so some stuff might be out of place (grammar/punctuation wise)