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Anthony (102235402) wrote:Wait, so is this going to be like an Official, Official YoWorld Priceguide?
Does that mean that its by BVG?
Likkety Split (106551670) wrote:It's only official if it's owned or sanctioned by BVG. Is this their guide?
FunTime LY (185469892) wrote:Here is the Link to our Upcoming YoWorld OFFICIAL Priceguide:
Who knew about this?
Pete (2679242) wrote:FunTime LY (185469892) wrote:Here is the Link to our Upcoming YoWorld OFFICIAL Priceguide:
Who knew about this?
While we are on the topic, how do you plan on accurately determining the prices of items? As far as I know it is impossible to monitor all events 24/7 and even if you could how can you tell what two other people sold items for. Their trade window is not visible to someone watching. Perhaps you are going to monitor only the AH using the average price that was implemented. If that's what you are monitoring are you really going to be able to accurately monitor all items in the AH 24/7.
Price guides were never accurate, you need only look at the price of an item on a guide and compare it with the average AH price and you can see how inaccurate the price guides really are.
Add to that I'm pretty sure an agent for one of the well known price guides was recently busted for selling coins. Ooh the scandal!
Ryee Whiskee SFM (4670380) wrote:One of the biggest things I see the company doing/allowing on the forums are Links...I sure do with they would disable this
FunTime LY (185469892) wrote:To sum up all of the people who commented, here are answers.
-It sounds to me as if it is owned by BVG.
-The link is safe!! If you believe its not, please report me then.
-Same as me. I dont base ALL of my prices from the Price-Guides, they just give me a guess-timate.
FunTime LY (185469892) wrote:To sum up all of the people who commented, here are answers.
-It sounds to me as if it is owned by BVG.
-The link is safe!! If you believe its not, please report me then.
-Same as me. I dont base ALL of my prices from the Price-Guides, they just give me a guess-timate.