Was I ever blown away today to learn my story was one picked as one of the 4 winning stories in the How Has YoWorld Improved Your Life Contest.
That's me, Patrice Wheaton for all those who know me as Dandelionwine here in the forum.
I am not sure if there was a prize involved, as I've been searching my inventory and cannot find anything new, nor saw a notice in game nor an email, so happy enough to know my story touched the Vikings hearts as much as they have touched mine. And if something does show up, I will be sure to share it and show it off in here.
So grateful they went out of their way to save this game that means so much to so many.
I will share my story underneath the contest notice:
Big Viking Games
Hey YoFans,
Thanks to all of you guys who submitted your personal stories for how YoWorld (formerly YoVille) has positively impacted your life! We enjoyed reading through all of them, and honestly, they were all great. We were originally going to select only one winner, but we really struggled to choose which one would be the best. In the end, we chose multiple winners.
We’d like to congratulate Paula Rickard, Peggy Ann Cook-Cannedy, Patrice Wheaton, and Millie Hatcher for being the winners of the competition. Your courage to share some very personal stories were incredibly inspiring to us all here at Big Viking Games. One of our Vikings will be reaching out to you guys personally on Facebook, but feel free to also send a personal message to our Facebook page and we’ll respond back to you to get your information to send the Viking swag.
Thanks to everyone who entered the contest, and congratulations to our winners once again! Although we could only select three, we were touched by the many stories that were shared and look to them as a source of inspiration as we continue to work on improving YoWorld. For those who have not yet read the stories, here's a link to the post:
I received an environmental poisoning on June 8, 2008 that forever changed my life.
My Career that I loved, being a computer draftsman had to be put on the shelf, as I had become way too sick to go to work.
Little by little, as I realized how difficult it was to stay well outside of my house, I had to start abandoning things like visiting friends, shopping, hobbies, I needed badly to find out what was wrong with me and fix this, as my life’s vitality was now gone, replaced with days of migraines and complete debilitation-bordering on paralysis, vertigo, and mental brain fog.
I spent a year trying to figure out what was wrong with me, and although I got my answer, I also found out that there was little to no cure.
I discovered I had acquired Multiple Chemical Sensitivity, and had become allergic to almost everything! Surprising to me, because I never had an allergy before in my life, now I had to live with being allergic to almost everything. New hypersensitive allergies to most chemicals (including cologne, any scented personal care product, air freshners, cleaning products, chemicals in food & meds, etc ), Plants, trees, grasses (much to the dismay of this life-long gardener-who was also president of our local garden club), Pets, Mold and algae, and worst of all foods. I now had only 12 safe foods.
My allergic responses were not the usual allergy itchy eyes, runny noses responses, instead my response were profoundly debilitating, losing all the muscle strength in my body making it impossible to stand, walk, use my arms, hands, talk, breath, every function in your body that requires a muscle to work it would go down when I reacted to something. Migraines (of a very strong variety) were happening to me 5 days a week. Add the cognitive loss of functioning into this mix, and you have what would become my new norm. These symptoms would persist for weeks without a break. Breaks would be short in duration, for as soon as I’d become exposed to something I was allergic to, I’d be back in the symptomatic world of MCS.
In an effort to relieve my symptoms, I filtered my whole house with powerful allergy efficient air filters, and practiced avoidance of allergens-this required me to wear a face mask whenever I left my house. I still had to be careful, for my allergies were so severe that I had become hypersensitive to many things that would permeate through the carbon filter of my mask and zap me.
Art is my hobby and love. I enjoyed many art forms. I was a metal artist, working in silver, copper, brass and loose gemstones. I say was, because now with my diminished muscle strength, I have little energy in my muscles to work my metal working tools. I’ve also been a photographer for most of my life, and now found myself unable to walk around to remote sites to shoot pictures, and my camera equiptment became too heavy for me to carry around –all because of my reduced muscle strength. I also wrote, and found the cognitive symptoms interfered too much to continue writing.
DRAGON FLY (green tourmaline & amethyst)
BUTTERFLY (opal & mystic topaz)
Slowly I became isolated from the world and the activities I grew to love.
Shut in, I soon discovered Facebook, and then Yoville.
I dressed up my little avatar in a similar manner I dressed myself, and found I could identify with her. She represented the old super active me who’s favorite activity was to dance, dance through life free and unencumbered, spreading as much joy and happiness as I could. I could still do that in Yo!
Being a shut in and disabled, you are cut off from people, but in Yoville I was free to move around and socialize like I always did in real life.
I found I could decorate a room and use my art skills. I enjoyed many hours of down time where I could do little else, designing and decorating my rooms. It satiated my creative juices. While I played Yoville, I was not consciously looking at my limitations, but felt free to be me again. Yoville had become my life line, and was a critical component to me keeping my spirits high as I slowly started treatment my chemical injury and started to begin to heal.
I am currently midway towards recovery. I still need many hours where I must do nothing but rest and recover from the relapses I received from exposures.
My story does not have an unhappy ending, for I am getting better using Sauna Detoxes, practicing avoidance, and taking many many many allergy shots. One day I know I will dance again.
But until that day, thank goodness I can while away many hours feeling free and creative in YoWorld. A few of my Room designs:
I've been starting to post more of my rooms in the Photo Album part of this forum.
Thank you so much Big Viking Games for saving this game that means so much to so many.
We will be grateful forever!