Registered: Nov 01, 2009
Posts: 217
Thu Jun 12, 2014 7:06 am
A great idea/suggestion Soni!!
Well done.....these have annoyed me for years, trying to find things.
1. I also suggest that we have a search button to find a specific wallpaper or flooring.
I own all the floors and wall papers there are...could be hundreds,and it takes an absolute age to find the more recent ones as they all go to the end. A search button would be ideal. Or/and a scroll bar as Soni suggests.
The same idea as you have to find tanks in fishworld.
2. The same is needed to find our homes. I own 300+ and a search button would be fantastic. Again the same idea as you have in Fish World. At the minute you have to scroll through every house until you find it, if you miss it, have to start again.
I know personally these 2 things have annoyed me for years.