Registered: Jan 16, 2012
Posts: 19
Mon Jun 30, 2014 11:17 am
I went to one the other day, just to stand and watch and see what goes on. (thought I was gonna get kicked tho! LOL) host sat quiet, didn't say a word! A guy was already in the room when another came in, they spoke to each other say which colour they chose on the spin wheel. They agreed a bet... (it was £50k in that instance) - the wheel was spun, and one guy won, they 'seemed to be in trade' and the winner said 'thanks man' and the looser left. The winner asked me if I would like a go? I said 'no thanks im just here to see what the event is all about'. then I poofed. Im still not sure if its sum underhand scam, with the two guys in cahoots together to make it look good - and the owner certainly didn't input anything! so I don't know, but I wont be going again. The set up seems a little suspicious to me I have to say! PLay safe peeps! <3