Registered: Aug 01, 2009
Posts: 14
Mon May 15, 2017 6:17 pm
My Mommie saw special and kind and sweet
Always showing kindness and something to eat
She was always prepared if someone stopped by
Always the canned ham and of course some pie
She was a beauty that my father loved
I loved holding her hand when it was gloved
The laugh I still here in my ears at times
oh and the piano tuned songs that rhymed
She made me feel I was always the best
And put me above a lot of the rest
Bought me lavender ice cream I wanted you see
I was her baby her little Sherri Bea
She was not perfect far from that at home
She sometimes needed to brush my hair and comb
I miss her so often her laughter her touch
Play growling with me miss that so much
I cant wait to see you in heaven some say
But til then to Mommie Happy Mothers Day