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Registered: Jun 21, 2013
Posts: 15657

Tue Dec 06, 2016 12:52 pm
Koats (185046372) wrote:Don't give up, I loved your designs, and I think you're one of the pros, it's just sad none of it will make it to store this time, but please don't quit. :drink:

Thanks man, agreed. Appreciate your support!!!
Ricky BamBam (4492518) wrote:I feel your reaction, but don't give up. I see that some names, and types of items are quite ingrained in the 'styles' of Yo. It's that or resorting to certain practices it seems. I had hopes for my mistletoe too since i've seen several people ask for an item like it, but it seems the voting has shown that hairs and make up (each with their particular styles) are more popular. It bites, but atleast we know now that trying to be original and innovative also has some serious limitations, unless we work within certain item and style preferences.

... in that way, when rethinking effort, it seems to me that, instead of quitting, we might have to rethink to what items and styles we focus the effort on. These results are quite different from the Halloween contest. In the Halloween contest, we saw a lot of HH and yobers and such in the 'extras' category, while under single items in this contest a totally different result comes forward. And it was clear from the start that the 'item sets' category was a hard category to compete in, since there wouldn't be many designs making it into game from that category. These are all just my observations. But,yes, it seems to me that the way the instructions for a contest are given have severe repercussions on what the results will yield, and especially to what types of items will be selected. The categories seemed a small adjustment, but they do have big ramifications when it comes to the entries as well as the whole selection. The notes i take from this contest are that i'm happy to see that the full outfits have regained the status of importance in design contests, and that's a thing we all can be happy about, yet on the other hand i see that the 'items sets' category will likely be more prone to yield facial features and outfits that are almost full, which leaves the 'single items' category not really as a category in which you really have to expect much innovation from unless you come with hair, or more exceptional clothing.

As a result, due to voting , you can see it coming that in 'item sets' anything slightly explicitly male is almost a doomed choice if it has to compete with an incomplete female outfit or female facial features (And i'm just saying this without attacking anything or anyone, but: what do you think the majority of voters will pick, knowing that the majority of the players is female? I don't think anything slightly male simply stands a chance because of the limitations and the numbers, women could be interested in some male hair, but they don't want the beard and what not, and if they have the option to go for more suitable female feats, they will... simple). As for the 'single items' category, it's clear that this is kind of a 'dump anything category', but it stands to reason that here hairs or hats or other special clothing would be more popular too. The main reasons are that 1) as it stands the game has already been over stuffed with a ton of yobers, handhelds or anything that kind 2) Hairs, hats and other special clothing often are also the general wanted items. So yes, it stands to reason that in voting, here too those will be favoured over anything else. And also in this category, you can bet again that if it's an explicitly male item, yober, hh or such, your item stands very slim to no chances, due to the enormity of what can be submitted under this category, as well as the majority of the players being female.

So... i hope this perspective does put a bit of your efforts in a different light. The thing isn't that your quality was off or so, on the contrary! But yeah, when i break down your entries, they stood little to no chance because of the way the contest was ran. It's a clear vote on popularity, and when we look objectively, any of your items that got in the finals were clearly items that would have it hard to compete to the kind of majority we have in game. Where i'm glad to see that the 'full outfit' category is restored in value, i'm left with the feeling that it's almost stupid to enter a design in 'items sets' or 'single items' that is for males, or that is a really original idea for yobers or hh simply because none of them really stand a chance when it comes to a majority vote in the current situation. These two extra categories will yield the most predictable items and will not allow much innovation unless for very specific types of items.

And that... has nothing to do with the quality of your designs, and all the more with the inherent biases of favoured items. I'd like to note that with saying all this, i don't intend to call you a name or so. Just breaking it down differently so you see the disadvantage your choices were up against. Were my first thoughts were that the restructuring of the contest categories was positive (mainly because of full outfits), i'm now more inclined to see that the extra two categories still need some redefining. I mean, if they are going to be inclined to yield facial features, clothing and hairs, it's clear that anything for males is at a disadvantage in these extra categories. The adjustment i do propose is that, since these are very broad categories, they get 3 subcategories each, which would be 'female, male and unisex'. I wasn't happy with the categories of the Halloween contest, but i do note that the hairs section did have a female and a male category. And with contest categories that are so large and general as in this contest, it seems to me that some subcategories are in order.

Like Ice said, I also may have to alter my approach. Designing what I like, or think to be innovative & creative... has done me no favors & has no place here except in the fantasy of the finalists - which I was lucky to make it there! I'm not ungrateful.

I may have better luck fine-tuning my female entry skills, or doing remakes/copies of older in-game items since that is so encouraged. But my thing is, I've never wanted to be a competitor in the female designs. For better or worse, worse in my case, I've wanted to reserve that spot for those who prefer/enjoy doing female designs.... As I've held out some hope that men's & unisex designs would see a fair chance. I tried to make majority of my single item entries unisex for that reason. But It seems feminine items dominate once again.

With out making this too much about me, & taking away from the congratulations to others.... BTW thank you all for the responses everyone, thank you for all of the supportive PMs :heart: & Thanks for the analysis Ricky. It's interesting. If your theory is right- & plushies or yobers, or male items just in general are always going to be a critical failure in the voting market, then yeah you're absolutely right, I never stood a chance, like you said. Especially when a majority of the same designers win every single time & have been winning for years. That kind of leaves only a tiny bit of room for the newcomers, or small-scale aka "less popular" designers, as I'd consider myself to be. I think your theory may be true to an extent. Ah well! Maybe another time. If I am up to it..


Registered: Mar 05, 2014
Posts: 1367

Tue Dec 06, 2016 1:19 pm
Gleek (155143675) wrote:
l IcE l (185644864) wrote:Posting again since I had to quickly post from work before.
Congrats everyone brilliant results. :thumbsup: Love that there are some new faces in amongst bet its a great feeling
Quite a lot of things I am looking to buy from this
Looks like I'm in need of revamping my style if i want to get in there, need a new approach for the next contest.
Wonder what the next one be :eh: :?:

You don't need to change anything at all, Your designs are incredible! Hope you make it next time and please reenter the facial features on your ice queen, I'd definitely buy them!
I got my fingers crossed for a v-day contest next! Second favorite YoEvent after Halloween ;)
And again, Congratulations to all winners, You all did an amazing job.
I'm definitely gonna go broke when these get released :haha:
And Pierre, That hair is Awesome! Glad it made it! Hope we get it in red as well.
Tbh, All the hairs this year are just perfect! Great job guys :heart:

Thanks Gleek! Yeah Vday is good but involves a lot of brain storming about ideas haha

Ahsoka Zuni

Registered: May 05, 2010
Posts: 4399

Tue Dec 06, 2016 3:16 pm
Amazing! so happy some of the ones I loved made it cant wait super excited for these to come out in game. Congrats to the winners and ty bvg for the contest. :kiss: :heart:


Registered: Dec 22, 2015
Posts: 298

Tue Dec 06, 2016 7:32 pm
Congrats too the winners honestly look Amazing! :drool: :drool:


Registered: Sep 22, 2010
Posts: 1246

Tue Dec 06, 2016 9:17 pm
I knew this would happen! I am so impatient now that they announced the winners. I need them now! :D :thumbsup: :silly:

The Legend

Registered: Jul 03, 2010
Posts: 82

Tue Dec 06, 2016 9:56 pm
Whooaa (185180932) wrote:Dang. I had like 5 or 6 entries in the finalists & not a single one made it passed voting. Kind of a harsh blow :dizzy: I may want to retire or rethink the time & energy I put in to these!! Yeeesh. But luckily I only design for fun! But I still feel for anyone else who got so far but not far enough. I have been designing for these since 2011 and haven't been lucky enough yet. Maybe i'll just leave it to the pros! I don't think i'll have a better chance than I just had. But alas thanks for the contest & congrats to those given the luxury! Especially those who have won multiple times! Lucky.

Dont think that way if you didnt win. I thought you had very great entries and i too did vote for some of them too! I have been too denied my hard working entries as well. I spend more time on my female entries but usually my males make the voting which does kinda disappoint but it doesnt affect me in any other way accept to be work harder the next time. That doesnt mean remaking an item in game to gain votes, which I too have done in the past but now being different is what im all for since this game is expanding.

A tip for you is to take your time, and no rush meaning use the 2 weeks and take your time applying details and or make changes. For this contest I started my female before my male and i had to constantly keep making changes. Ended entering my male first and still kept making changes to my female. ALso take an aspect of your design (your hair was amazing btw) and rework it in areas that needed to be worked on. Only you the designer can find your own flaws and what needs work. Try testing different design styles as it worked for me like how hair in game looks using paths and gradients. Also think of more creative ideas that will set you apart from other entries or items we already have in game, and most important what you think will sell, since thats one of the steps the vikings do in picking entries towards voting. I see you already have the skills you need to make amazing work so dont put yourself down. Im here to help you become a better designer and next contest if you need help just ask!

Ricky BamBam

Registered: Nov 03, 2008
Posts: 1816

Wed Dec 07, 2016 12:39 am
Whooaa (185180932) wrote: ... (cut because troubles with space) :love:

Like Ice said, I also may have to alter my approach. Designing what I like, or think to be innovative & creative... has done me no favors & has no place here except in the fantasy of the finalists - which I was lucky to make it there! I'm not ungrateful.

I may have better luck fine-tuning my female entry skills, or doing remakes/copies of older in-game items since that is so encouraged. But my thing is, I've never wanted to be a competitor in the female designs. For better or worse, worse in my case, I've wanted to reserve that spot for those who prefer/enjoy doing female designs.... As I've held out some hope that men's & unisex designs would see a fair chance. I tried to make majority of my single item entries unisex for that reason. But It seems feminine items dominate once again.

With out making this too much about me, & taking away from the congratulations to others.... BTW thank you all for the responses everyone, thank you for all of the supportive PMs :heart: & Thanks for the analysis Ricky. It's interesting. If your theory is right- & plushies or yobers, or male items just in general are always going to be a critical failure in the voting market, then yeah you're absolutely right, I never stood a chance, like you said. Especially when a majority of the same designers win every single time & have been winning for years. That kind of leaves only a tiny bit of room for the newcomers, or small-scale aka "less popular" designers, as I'd consider myself to be. I think your theory may be true to an extent. Ah well! Maybe another time. If I am up to it..

Ow, wait Whooaa, don't misread my analysis either, please. What i stated about the mens items, yobers, plushies and hh and such , is solely relevant to this last Christmas contest. ANd what i'm pointing out in there is that the categories 'Items Sets' and 'Single items'are such a huge defenition and they don't have any subcategories either, so anything goes. And by consquence it's rather logical that in such huge categories, without even the slightest subcategory like male/female/uniusex, it stands to reason that most of the times any kind of female items will win since females are a majority. As for yobers and handhelds etc, that too is getting difficult, because in the voting you can almost be sure that hairs will dominate. If we're lucky, there too, will be something slightly male in the results, but i'm thinking that most of the time you must almost have a hairstyle that appeals too both males and females (i mean for wearing).

And tbh, i don't see many males that dress male who're going to wear that feminine crown either. But you can be sure that such stuff will get picked every time again. So... yes there we are at a loss. I too prefer to design yobers and hh,and such, just as well as male and female outfits. But i see that when you chose the option to actually come up with with male items or with yobers and hh, was now something you actuall could only do trough designing a male full outfit only. Just by the weight of he sheer numbers, if it wasn't a female items set, a femalr facial feature set, or hairs or such, it simply didn't stand a chance. It's there that i see that in the latest contest we have a lot of unequal competition compared to the Hallween contest.

And actually i can't blame the voters, i mean... look at it this way, any hair that can be used the whole year trough vs a yober specific for Christmas... throw on top that there is the chance that these items will be out just as long as those from the halloween contest, and then there is not a hair on your head that doubts that any kind of hair will rise much more and faster in value when it was out only for a limited time, especially compred to a yober or HH or such that is intended specifically for Christmas. I shouldn't have to explain the difference between something that will rise whole year trough and can be used and sold at anytime, or a smaller value items that is maybe ver cute and high quality too, but mainly only will be sold in the period of the fall (from Halloween till Christmas). Also... i'm not really liking that in this category system, males will likely drawing a very short straw again. But when i look at the way the categories are made up and are delivered up to the voters, it's almost a certain that this super heavy female item dominace will prevail if these categories are used again as they have been in this contest.

That was the difference with the Halloween contest: Hairs were a seperate category (with a male and female winner) and facial feats was seperate too (with male and female). That left anything else basicly a fighting chance to get into game. And despite that i liked the idea of having undefined categories like 'Items sets' (which could also mean a set of 3 HH or so) or 'Single items' (which could also be anything), it kind of stands to reason, that in such categories female facial features and female hairs (with some slight other female items and maybe the occasional male item when it's unisex enough) will dominate those categories since they are the most wanted items by the dominant group. And it will be hard to beat that if these categories are reapeated in the same way. IYou would have to really come up with an extraordinary item, or set of items, that on top of it, is so well liked (to the point of almost blowing away everyone), that you may surpass that handicap. That's why i tried to point out this humongeous disadvantage that we both had in this latest contest,.Because i see that it didn't even matter that we ( and others) delivered high quality, it didn't matter if we tried being creative or original.

If you look at it objectively, we both (and others) had good items, but in these kind of voting categories we simply stood no chance with the items that we wanted to deliver. This is not a quality issue, but rather a heavy disadvantage against such choices. So yes, if these kind of categories are repeteaded in the same way next time, than yours and mine option are to either know this and thus design more strategicly and have a huge emphasis on full male outfits or also are forced to play that female fiddle, or not to enter anything at all. Sad to say, but that's what the results of this latest contest point out. This of course doesn't mean that the other contests were like that, or that the future contests will be like this one. Maybe the categories do get adjusted, and frankly, let's hope so.


Registered: Aug 23, 2009
Posts: 3495

Wed Dec 07, 2016 1:25 am
Congrats to all the designers, you make this game so much better..Thanks for all you do. I'd also like to thank the ones that didn't win but, put in their time and effort to design for us. I cant wait to get my hands on some of these goodies. :hug: :heart: :trophy: :star:


Registered: Dec 02, 2008
Posts: 193

Wed Dec 07, 2016 2:02 am
I have been working the last couple of days & haven't been able to give a true congrats to all who got in & those who did not ! The competition was so fierce this contest !! Im not even upset that my stuff didn't make the final cut , I'm still glad it was even chosen to run because look at all these beautiful items !! My goodness , the talent that each and everyone of you all have is incredible! Im honoured to even be considered amongst all these amazing designers ! I cant wait until its all released ! To those who are feeling a little bummed, don't be .. The talent you all have is undeniable, keep doing what your doing :) each contest is a greta opportunity and a great learning experience :) Merry Christmas.. I look forward to the next design contest and seeing all your fab entries :heart:

RoZ EternityGraham

Registered: Feb 14, 2011
Posts: 4

Wed Dec 07, 2016 3:05 am
CONGRATS TO ALL THE WINNER'S!! it was really exciting seeing all my fellow yoworldians come up with designs and see what they look like so looking forward to buying stuff ofcourse! i have been saving up since then ! can't wait :D

Mortania Evermore

Registered: Apr 16, 2009
Posts: 2808

Wed Dec 07, 2016 3:49 am
Congratulations, winners!!! Much love to all who entered! Many holiday blessings to everyone!!! :gift: Cheers! :drink:

Mystery Date

Registered: Jan 17, 2010
Posts: 391

Wed Dec 07, 2016 10:07 am
Really lovely items! I'm looking forward to seeing them all in game. Congrats everyone!

valerie xo

Registered: Dec 13, 2009
Posts: 91

Wed Dec 07, 2016 11:23 am
Are we getting all of this????
Omg these are soooo good

GK Bunny

Registered: Jul 17, 2013
Posts: 9836

Wed Dec 07, 2016 12:59 pm
may i ask why one set of esmes eyes has one purple eye and one white eye?


Registered: Apr 09, 2009
Posts: 21495

Wed Dec 07, 2016 1:18 pm
ELs Bunny (185290042) wrote:may i ask why one set of esmes eyes has one purple eye and one white eye?

I never noticed but I like it :haha: :haha:


Registered: Feb 04, 2013
Posts: 5292

Wed Dec 07, 2016 1:45 pm
Just wondering, when do we recieve our YoCash? :P :heart:


Registered: Mar 05, 2014
Posts: 1367

Wed Dec 07, 2016 4:34 pm
Deadly Cam (184561840) wrote:Just wondering, when do we recieve our YoCash? :P :heart:

Don't think you get more Yocash, you get your outfit once it is released ;)


Registered: Mar 31, 2010
Posts: 7411

Wed Dec 07, 2016 4:38 pm
l IcE l (185644864) wrote:
Deadly Cam (184561840) wrote:Just wondering, when do we recieve our YoCash? :P :heart:

Don't think you get more Yocash, you get your outfit once it is released ;)

I think winning designs get 50 extra. Not sure though :eh:


Registered: Mar 05, 2014
Posts: 1367

Wed Dec 07, 2016 4:42 pm
Gleek (155143675) wrote:
l IcE l (185644864) wrote:
Deadly Cam (184561840) wrote:Just wondering, when do we recieve our YoCash? :P :heart:

Don't think you get more Yocash, you get your outfit once it is released ;)

I think winning designs get 50 extra. Not sure though :eh:

Yeah you're right just seen it on the Discussions post


Registered: Jul 20, 2009
Posts: 6

Wed Dec 07, 2016 5:04 pm
congrats to all the winners, love the designs, can't wait for them to come out!