Dragon's Hold inspired by the Dragon riders of Pern-my entry includes a story (below)

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https://apps.facebook.com/playyoworld/?d=h70613339A new Dragon Rider is Born.
Light years beyond the very far reaches of the Galaxy lived A lonely planet name Pern, barren of technology.
A ship carrying scientific explorers landed on Pern, and using their medical facilities from their Ship, they bred a Magnificent Brave and Noble Species of Dragon using genetic manipulation on the planet's native but much tinier species of flying fire lizard..
The year was 3652, and it is the 565th return of the dreaded Rogue Red Star that orbits Pern.
We're into the twelfth night since the return of the Red Star and much damage has been done to the planet and the life living on it.
The Magnificent Brown Dragon, Galath has just been demoted from squad leader of the Bronze and Brown Wings, to Watcher thanks to his newly wounded foot, now half eaten away after last night's battle with the dreaded voracious spores the people of Pern call 'Thread'.
Each day the Thread return and fall from the Oort Cloud that surrounds the Red Star in the tens of millions into the sky over Pern, devouring everything in reach of it's ravenous mouth, filled with rows of razor sharp teeth..
Manning his post with his fairthful life-bonded Dragon Rider Dandelionwine, the Brown dragon Galath is walking the observation tower carefully scouring the skies for any sign of the deadly spores approach.
His new job is twofold. To sound the alarm calling out the planetary fleet of dragons and their dragon riders into the skies to battle the Thread well above the planet's surface.
The pair are also responsible to lead the ground forces and torch any Thread that managed to get through their higher air defenses, with the intense flame of dragon fire. Galath and Dandelionwine are the last defense to stopping any escaped Thread before they can reach the ground and devour all plant or animal life in it's path.
Freezing in his tracks, the Brown Dragon spots some activity high above them falling fast from the sky heading straight for the planet, and immediately springs into action.
Sounding the alarm first, he then opens his huge wingspan, and signals the collected Ground forces to quickly take flight and fall in line behind him.
As the flaming battle ensues high above them, Galath dispatches his ground force squadrons to strategic locations around the planet, where they hover low and scour the horizon at their given posts.
Then, he spots them, a few Thread falling from the sky, heading straight for the Golden Wehr where Faranth XII is tending her very special Golden egg, the hope for their planet's future.
Trying desperately to reach the Golden Wehr ahead of the threat falling from the sky Galath works his mighty wings for all he's worth, and quickly heads in the Wehr's direction, making it there seconds before the Thread can reach the ground,
His squad works quickly, torching all the deadly Thread before they had a chance to reach their targets, incinerating the spores into ashes.
More and more fall from the sky in their direction, and Galath is now worried that something has happened to the Dragons fighting the Thread high above.
Disregarding the pain flying inflicts on his wounded foot, Garath soars up swiftly to intercept the squadron doing battle high up in the sky.
Quickly assessing the situation, he sees no squad leader directing the dragon riders, and the pair quickly take charge and command the squad reining in the disorganization and focusing their fire on all the Thread threatening to fall on the Golden Wehr.
For five more hours the battle ensues. And when they sky was finally free of falling Thread for another day, the squad quickly flies to the Ground anxious to see if Faranth and her Golden egg were kept safe for another day.
When they entered the Golden Wehr, they had arrived just in time to see. Faranth lovingly glancing at her egg, as the shell was starting to quiver sending tiny fractures around it's surface.
A crowd of people had gathered to bear witness to the hatching, including our newest Community member, Viking Amanda.
Soon a beautiful golden head and wings made their way out of the cracking shell, and the most magnificent creature emerged surveying the crowd.
Her glowing golden eyes locked with Viking Amanda and she started to approach.
Viking Amanda reached out her hand, and the Golden hatchling offered no resistance.
Mounting the Beautiful gleaming Dragon's back, up and off the pair flew towards the distant mountains and began to seal their special bond between rider and Dragon.
All of Pern celebrates as they welcome a new Dragon Rider.