Registered: Dec 13, 2009
Posts: 2526
Fri Jul 11, 2014 9:04 am
hello, thank you for taking the time to read this.
♥I sadly missed the
Fairytale Fantasy theme, the
Enchanting China theme leaving, and also the
Egypt and
Rome things that left.
There are many many things from those themes that I would really love to have and use, so if you have extras of anything I would be so wonderfully grateful if you helped a sista out.
♥normally I stock up on themes that leave, so I have a lot of extras of most of the other themes that have left in the last couple years. and I am always glad to help others with things they'd like from what I have, as long as they're patient because my trade and inventory loading freeze me for a couple minutes. Anyways, so if there is stuff from other themes that you would like and I have it I would be glad to return the favor or just help anyone out, especially if you need multiple things so we can fill the trade slot instead of spending the long trade time for just one thing lol.. I mean, I know I'm rambling now sorry, I just mean if anyone wants to do more elaborate gifting or trading with me, let me know and we can work something out.
in any event, thank you for your consideration and any lovely items you might have to spare!