GEN DAFFY (107874394)
Registered: Jul 07, 2009
Posts: 2
Thu Jun 12, 2014 5:49 pm
There was many things about yoville i liked for example making clans or groups to join. the mafia thing was a great hit back in the day, same with the costumes. they should update them now though with yoworld with the marvels costumes or bring in more cars or trucks to buy. classics** would be nice. another idea would be perhaps when at your house you can have your buddies be your next door neighbor and you can walk down the street house to house seeing all your friends homes as well. more ways to earn coins is always a plus like maybe while going from neighbor to neighbors homes you can do good deeds for them like watering there grass or mowing there lawns. i stopped playing when they was going through the closing process and missed out on the transferring your Myspace yoville accounts over to Facebook so my main account lost a lot rares, homes, costumes and etc. so having more options to earn coins will help bring more peps back and keep them interested.