Crystal Salvatore
Registered: May 25, 2010
Posts: 8549
Tue Oct 29, 2024 9:54 am
My birthday is coming up on Thursday and I wanted to give a bit away
I haven't been playing very much recently and cause of this I can't fulfil many wishes on the wishlists threads so try not to post anymore. I thought Id give away a few things that I have to try and give back to all the generous yos out there. If I get time later I'm hoping to do a bigger giveaway
How to enter
1. Comment on which hair you want to enter for ( can put up to 2 numbers)
2. Share a Halloween picture of gif
3. Have at least 100 forum posts to be considered
4. Make sure you have a link please!
Winners will be randomly chosen with a generator
Ends on the 1st of November around 5pm GMT ( hopefully once I finish work)