Registered: Apr 15, 2009
Posts: 5
Thu Mar 12, 2015 1:27 pm
i would normally use the in game ticket to report any issues i am having, but for some reason the only tab i can click on is the community tab. my other tabs are yellowed out, i can't click to add yocash and i can't click the account tab to change any information, also i can't click on the help tab to report any ingame issues.
there are also bugs in the jobs section, in every job category there are a few levels that i click on to continue it keeps telling me its been completed an asks me to go to a new job or exit. some jobs i can do over an over again no problem an then some say they have been completed an won't allow me to.
And my last issue are my picture frames. I can change the title of the picture, but it won't allow me to load any pictures into them.
thank you for your time.