Registered: Dec 02, 2008
Posts: 5367
Wed Jun 25, 2014 1:24 pm
Question 1: Gifting to wishlisters -
Most people that post a wishlist have a signature with a link in it that is clickable (apartment link) Click it and you will be directed to their apartment, once in their apartment just click on the white envelope (bottom right screen) and a box will appear with an option to gift. Click that, and your inventory will pop up, click on the item you wish to give them and send it.
Question 2: Posting a picture -
(Click this link and scroll down a bit, it shows you both with text and pictures)
viewtopic.php?f=7&t=1091(This link also explains 2 ways in pictures)
viewtopic.php?f=7&t=2938Question 3: Apartment link -
(Here is how you learn to make it yourself if you lose it)
viewtopic.php?f=7&t=5512This is your link,
- Code: Select all
- right click infront or behind this link and highlight it.
- Right click it and copy.
- put it in your signature or anywhere you desire. (it will allow people to visit your apartment for gifting and such)