Registered: Oct 14, 2009
Posts: 22224
Thu Jul 02, 2015 7:53 am
...welcome back!...
...this may help a bit...
...and no need to feel dump...I play regularly and stil haven't figured out all of them shorties... = coin run...
...wtt = want to trade...
...wts = want to sell... = what the yadda...
...wth = what the hell...
...omg = oh my gosh/god...
...omfg = oh my yadda gosh...
...rofl = rolling over floor laughing... = laughing out loud...
...k / kk = okay...
...brb = be right back... = be back...
...afk = away from keyboard...
...hb = hurry back...
...wb = welcome back...
...*hugs & love*...