Registered: Dec 23, 2011
Posts: 1783
Sat Jul 18, 2015 4:38 pm
Shanna (111488306) wrote:I've attended two events and tried buying stuff but when I click on the trade request from other player, they end up declining. My laptop is slow and wonder if when they send their request, my laptop takes long to receive it so they probably give up thinking I'm not interested. I AM!! I got kicked out of an event because the other player probably thought I wasn't interested. I was, just laptop is SLOW as molasses so couldn't respond fast enough. I missed out on 2 items I was going to buy. Plus I'm not sure how this whole event thing works. How do u buy stuff? I told the player what I wanted and they sent the trade request but declined soon after. What happens after I click the trade button? Not sure how to pay for the items. Please help!! I want to join more events to buy but can't until I know how it works.

Hi Shanna, I take it you're still having problems.
When you are in trade, you can see your items in the top left side of the screen. Just below your items is where you add your cash or coins.
If, for example, an item you are buying is 40,000 coins then you will go to the money part of the screen (just below your items) and type in 40,000. Then you press the green "add" button.
After you've done that... press "confirm trade" if the other person agrees they will also press "confirm trade" and the trade should go through sucessfully.
If it's because you are taking too long, maybe it is your computers fault and unfortunately, you may need to buy a new one. Have you tried other browsers? Such as Internet explorer... google chrome (my personal favourite) or opera? It may be the browser causing the problems. Maybe you could warn the selling/buyer that your computer is slow and hopefully they will be patient.
I hope this has been helpful... if not I'm sorry, I'm not very techy myself

I wish you the best of luck in your trading adventures