Registered: Jun 15, 2016
Posts: 3318
Sun Aug 28, 2016 10:54 am
Since the accepting of free gifts is glitchy for me, i have to close out the pop up and go back in and accept more. Sometimes getting down to the last one or two I have to do it a few times. So to save myself time if you collect by using the collect all button does it still do the accept and send ones or just accept them? I do not want to cheat my neighbors out of extra chests if it is not also sending back to them. Right now i am going through and clicking on all of those first and then going back and hitting the accept all button. It would be soooo much faster to just hit that one button. Easier on my fingers too not having to scroll and click all those individual buttons lol. Also wonder why i have to keep clicking on them so many times before it finally clears them out of the popup. Thank you in advance