XHunter Cuber
Registered: Apr 01, 2009
Posts: 2015
Mon Jan 30, 2017 9:21 pm
If you need help with an apartment link . zip's answer will help you .
If you have your apartment link you can put it in your signiture .
or if you see people with a globe by them. and you want to have a globe also . Then go to user control panel . Then to ,"profile" . Scroll down to website . Then put the apartment /house link In the "website "space . then press submit.
If you need help with posting photos to forums then this thread can help you .
viewtopic.php?f=7&t=130230 I don't post pictures much . But to upload them here you need to go to imgur And upload a picture there . Then post the link from the picture you posted there to here . The thread above will help you with all the steps . My explination wont help .
If you have any more questions . com back to the forums and ask them .