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Registered: Jul 29, 2009
Posts: 7

Mon Feb 06, 2017 2:36 pm
why don't we get yopoints for playing rps anymore?

XHunter Cuber

Registered: Apr 01, 2009
Posts: 2015

Tue Feb 07, 2017 2:47 am
I am currently unable to go in the game to do tests on this matter . So I went to the yoworld bugs and reporting section of the forums , whatever the section is called . and there was a thread about this . So rock paper scisors is broken for now . Big viking games dev team will fix it when they can . they will probbly fix it soon . If it is broken due to an update they just released .They, (Nick) will be familar with the code and should be able to fix it faster .


Registered: Jul 29, 2009
Posts: 7

Tue Feb 07, 2017 10:13 am
They better hurry and fix it you have players wanting to quit playing the yoworld becouse of this problem


Registered: Jun 23, 2015
Posts: 15

Thu Feb 09, 2017 3:26 pm
If you guys dont fix the game RPS Iam quitting the game n that a promise

Cherry BTS

Registered: Jun 01, 2014
Posts: 1660

Tue Feb 14, 2017 2:27 am
We need to win the game to get points, leaving the game doesn't give any points now

XHunter Cuber

Registered: Apr 01, 2009
Posts: 2015

Tue Feb 14, 2017 5:45 pm
CherryNChanyeol BLK (185764466) wrote:We need to win the game to get points, leaving the game doesn't give any points now

I recently sent in a bug report ticket about this .


Registered: Jan 08, 2010
Posts: 10257

Tue Feb 14, 2017 9:53 pm
I think some people abuse the game no matter what is given or taken away in it. Some people stay mean, hostile and hatefful no matter what we do.
I do remember maxers kicking out players and really hurting some people for no reason at all other than being full of hatred and jealousy.
I dont know all about maxing but i sure remember mean spirited people in it. but hey we will meet that anywhere.
I loved maxing as it was a way for me as a noob to help others without it killing me.
I used to max and people gifted me. oh my gosh no one knows how sweet that is unless that happened to you and you were a noob with nothing. It stopped the begging. no one begged when this happned.
A person would maxx you and then you gifted them. I stopped accepting gifts as I love the social part of gabbing so to me them being with me was my gift!
i maxed for free just for the company!
people loved to decorate their rooms for maxing parties.
It would be nice to have them back. it be nicer if we did fresh maxing rooms following new themes.
It wouuld be really nice if busy body mean spirited people could not kick people out of a maxing event.
maybe all maxing events had to max everyone and the ability to kick was eliminated from a max event would solve the hater problem.
I hate to see maxing go becauser of a hateful person. its not right or fair. really. many of us do enjoy just to relax a bit. id be decorating or doing things and go to them just to hear the coins kaching. it relaxed me.
Smokey taught me to max. she would have event and Id run to it.
I know I always talk about her. I just cant help it. she was jsut so nice to a stupid person. lol

XHunter Cuber

Registered: Apr 01, 2009
Posts: 2015

Wed Feb 15, 2017 1:30 am
ZipLocket (144540244) wrote:I think some people abuse the game no matter what is given or taken away in it. Some people stay mean, hostile and hatefful no matter what we do.
I do remember maxers kicking out players and really hurting some people for no reason at all other than being full of hatred and jealousy.
I dont know all about maxing but i sure remember mean spirited people in it. but hey we will meet that anywhere.
I loved maxing as it was a way for me as a noob to help others without it killing me.
I used to max and people gifted me. oh my gosh no one knows how sweet that is unless that happened to you and you were a noob with nothing. It stopped the begging. no one begged when this happned.
A person would maxx you and then you gifted them. I stopped accepting gifts as I love the social part of gabbing so to me them being with me was my gift!
i maxed for free just for the company!
people loved to decorate their rooms for maxing parties.
It would be nice to have them back. it be nicer if we did fresh maxing rooms following new themes.
It wouuld be really nice if busy body mean spirited people could not kick people out of a maxing event.
maybe all maxing events had to max everyone and the ability to kick was eliminated from a max event would solve the hater problem.
I hate to see maxing go becauser of a hateful person. its not right or fair. really. many of us do enjoy just to relax a bit. id be decorating or doing things and go to them just to hear the coins kaching. it relaxed me.
Smokey taught me to max. she would have event and Id run to it.
I know I always talk about her. I just cant help it. she was jsut so nice to a stupid person. lol

Thats a nice story about smokey I have never heard of them . I hope maxing is fixed soon .


Registered: Jan 08, 2010
Posts: 10257

Wed Feb 15, 2017 3:36 am
She hand held me in this game when I was new. I had just had a heart problem and I was so sick I wanted to die. I mean this was not suicidal sick. I mean so ill physiclally. I was not able to raise myself off the couch from a sitting position. I was as weak as a lamb and i felt wobbly like jello for over 9 months. They over medicated me maybe. Then this one doctor gave me something for depression and it lowered my blood pressure so low I was barely breathing
so then. finally they figured out why I was so weak it was my blood pressure. this one stupid idiot LPN thought she could play around with meds and put me on meds that made my blood pressure plummet. she refused to listen to the doctors too. Like I have a lot of strength to arugue with a stupid LPN, right. anyway during this weak, illness, i felt like death, was not able to think. I mainly came in telling everyone about GOD. maybe I thought i wanted to do something before I died or something. Well this Smokey befriended me.. she helped me in the game. I was so depresed sometimes I sat in my apartment just staring and crying in my apartment alone. She would pop in and ask how I was doing. You know? NO one knows how ill a person might be on theother end. Her talks and walks with me to altons... well she took me with her friends. and she took me to auctions and helped me with maxing. the maxing was so easy to do. it actually help me to concentrate again. The first time I went to one. oh my gosh was that funny. Every one was sitting on red cushions> 50~! NO LAG AT AL LNOT ANY LAG. NOT A BIT OF LAG. 50 IN A ROOM AT LEAST!!!!
I see all these coins and people in the front saying 'OPEN. I had no clue it was maxing. I thought they were stealing people coins and when people said "OPEN" it meant another person was open to steal more coins from and if you sat on the red seats you got stuck there because when i tried to get up I auto matically got drawn back to it so yeah they were stealing my only 2000 coins I took a month to make! NO WAY HOSAY! i ran out ! lol


Registered: Jan 08, 2010
Posts: 10257

Wed Feb 15, 2017 3:53 am
brand new PEOPLE need maxing. It was a fantastic way to socialize. Some would come in to talk chitty chat and a lot of us learned how to talk and max at the same time. It would have been so nice to have an auto maxer.. while we chatted. we chatted about everything. stuff mostly. we chatted about the new things how we like it or did not like it. We would come in with new stuff on and the noobs POOF really fast and come back with it on. A lot of the maxers get "bored." we have been in this game a long time, we have decorated for hours on end and shop buy sell. to level up now it is time to help others and yes it was nice to help others max up. the NOOBY maxers liked to get gifts for maxing. it kept a of people from begging. They would max, the nooby ones to get gifts. I used to gift big gifts to faithful maxers, hairs, yo cash eyes, etc, etc. I never knew them. I started to change my name a lot as I wanted to do it secretly. SO i found a way to do it and NO ONE KNEW it ever. I bought on both sites, My space and facebook. I never friended anyone on facebook with Mags the one on my space. so when i wanted to secretly gift. MY GOSH that was fun. man did not having myspace run my entire fun and my Mags character. chit. I would come on line with both. one on my space and one on facebook. I made an event. and would meet myself. then I would go to the person I wanted to gift as Ziplocket and Mags would follow Ziplocket to her home. then Mags gifted but she was not on their buddy list so no one knew her. POOF. never to be seen again. Oh my gosh that was fun. sometimes I did it in a more open manner and that was fun too. A friend would tell me she had been looking for something. Id find it give it to mags and make mags gift it by mags meeting ZipLocket and doing it this way. every once in a while who ever I did it too would say. YOU WONT believe what happened. Oh my gosh that was so much fun. I AM NOT the only ONE WHO DOES this. MANY of us do this here. so yes, all this to say, sometimes we need to just max and let the coins kaching. it helps us relax. plus decorating. gosh I miss the good old fashioned maxing we once had!

Its so laggy we could barely decorate anyway when we maxed. only 4-6 people there. lag lag lag. blagh need I say more.

XxSuzie QxX

Registered: Oct 27, 2008
Posts: 22

Wed Feb 15, 2017 5:00 am
From what I know, BVG is aware of the game changes. There is no consideration to change them back to their original functions unless they hear from players. I strongly encourage everyone to write to them and let them know how you feel about the new changes. Remember the saying regarding squeaky wheels. If we do not write to them, they will think it affects a small number of players and that we are happy with that change. :idea:

XHunter Cuber

Registered: Apr 01, 2009
Posts: 2015

Wed Feb 15, 2017 2:13 pm
xxSuzieQ MRMxx (4164477) wrote:From what I know, BVG is aware of the game changes. There is no consideration to change them back to their original functions unless they hear from players. I strongly encourage everyone to write to them and let them know how you feel about the new changes. Remember the saying regarding squeaky wheels. If we do not write to them, they will think it affects a small number of players and that we are happy with that change. :idea:

They will fix the problem . Viking Nick just said a bunch of stuff about how he likes to fix bugs in the most recent podcast . And this is a bug . They increased maxing to 100 games . They wouldn't help the maxers and then get rid of maxing without telling anyone . They know that there are so many different styles of gameplay in yoworld and that maxing is one of them , they would'nt just get of maxng intentionally . When developers mess with the code to fix stuff other stuff gets broken . Then they fix the broken things .


Registered: Jan 08, 2010
Posts: 10257

Thu Feb 16, 2017 5:00 am
Arnold (12789920) wrote:
xxSuzieQ MRMxx (4164477) wrote:From what I know, BVG is aware of the game changes. There is no consideration to change them back to their original functions unless they hear from players. I strongly encourage everyone to write to them and let them know how you feel about the new changes. Remember the saying regarding squeaky wheels. If we do not write to them, they will think it affects a small number of players and that we are happy with that change. :idea:

They will fix the problem . Viking Nick just said a bunch of stuff about how he likes to fix bugs in the most recent podcast . And this is a bug . They increased maxing to 100 games . They wouldn't help the maxers and then get rid of maxing without telling anyone . They know that there are so many different styles of gameplay in yoworld and that maxing is one of them , they would'nt just get of maxng intentionally . When developers mess with the code to fix stuff other stuff gets broken . Then they fix the broken things .

You are the logical best my friend.