Lobos Angel
Registered: Feb 16, 2009
Posts: 5
Tue Nov 07, 2017 2:33 pm
Hey ya'll, I was a long time player of
"YoVille" until my computer randomly stopped loading it back in 2012 with no help from Zanga
. Well on a slight chance,
I decided to try again about a month ago, and what do you know, the same computer that had "issues" then is now loading it just fine
So now I am back to my
Yo'ddiction I am still learning the new and updated things and have a question......
It use to be that you could pick the house that was your "landing page / default home" when you started or when someone visited you, but I am not seeing where or if you can do this now. Is this still available and if so how do I set/pick the house?
Please and Thank you, Lobo's Angel