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Cat Lady

Registered: Aug 13, 2009
Posts: 43

Fri Jul 22, 2016 8:28 am
Vikings please help!! I have been having issues with my brass portrait picture frames not letting me upload pics. I was told by someone that a Viking said if you delete YoWorld from Facebook, then clear browser and flash player cache, then add YoWorld back... none of your items, houses, money, clothes, hair, etc. will be deleted. That it will all still be there after adding YoWorld back and all of your problems, glitches, etc. will be fixed. Is this true???? If I delete YoWorld then add it back, will I still get to keep my stuff? Or will I have to start all over again? If someone has knowledge about this, PLEASE help!!!! :wailing:


Registered: May 19, 2009
Posts: 2185

Fri Jul 22, 2016 8:34 am
One of the Vikings posted this in 2014 so I'm not sure if it still applies in 2016

Gary Stevenson wrote:Yeah, Facebook basically changed it so that new players in YoWorld get given a player ID that is specific to the application instead of their general one. What this means is that if you uninstall the app and then reinstall it, it treats you like a new player, your old account ID no longer matches your new one and so you start off fresh. Now, if you accidentally do it we have a way of fixing it (providing you have government ID), but it does take time and so we recommend not uninstalling if you don't have to.

Cat Lady

Registered: Aug 13, 2009
Posts: 43

Fri Jul 22, 2016 8:57 am
Dang, :( ok thank u.


Registered: May 19, 2009
Posts: 2185

Fri Jul 22, 2016 9:22 am
Hi, I did a quick search on here about picture frames and one forumer said it might have to do with your facebook permissions.

SanChyie (128827139) wrote:...please check your settings on FB for the game...

...when you first try to link a pic into those frames...FB will ask for permission...often it happens that the wrong button is fastly pressed...
...but on FB settings for apps you can look into the permissions for YoWorld and change to allow it...

...also a pop-up blocker/add-blocker or FB security protection can cause issues with this...
...make sure...nothing is interferring with this...

...*hugs & love*... :hug: :heart:

Have a look in your settings and let me know how you go

Cat Lady

Registered: Aug 13, 2009
Posts: 43

Fri Jul 22, 2016 9:27 am
Thank you. :) But I have already done all of that. Even sold and bought new frames. :( Nothing is working at this point.

Cat Lady

Registered: Aug 13, 2009
Posts: 43

Fri Jul 22, 2016 9:45 am
Nevermind, Viking Jess answered my original question. She said yes!! Great news :)


Registered: May 19, 2009
Posts: 2185

Fri Jul 22, 2016 9:49 am
Lana (113831534) wrote:Nevermind, Viking Jess answered my original question. She said yes!! Great news :)

That's great, hope it all goes well!

Cat Lady

Registered: Aug 13, 2009
Posts: 43

Fri Jul 22, 2016 10:10 am
Thank you! :D


Registered: Jan 08, 2010
Posts: 10257

Fri Jul 22, 2016 10:26 am
Why would it say that in 2014 and now change? I seen it a lot of times said in the forums and even in an email that uninstalling the game and reinstalling it fixes. ? now I am confused. wow. I never seen that like I cant believe it is a fb issue. that is so absurd to think it is a fb issue.
Uninstalling a game and reinstalling a game is not a fb issue at all. As a matter of fact every single game you uninstall in fb and reinstall puts you at the exact levels and your same friends are on it, candy crush, all them games.
Im beginning not to beleive things I read LOL .


Registered: Jan 08, 2010
Posts: 10257

Fri Jul 22, 2016 10:27 am
Lachlan (102963253) wrote:One of the Vikings posted this in 2014 so I'm not sure if it still applies in 2016

Gary Stevenson wrote:Yeah, Facebook basically changed it so that new players in YoWorld get given a player ID that is specific to the application instead of their general one. What this means is that if you uninstall the app and then reinstall it, it treats you like a new player, your old account ID no longer matches your new one and so you start off fresh. Now, if you accidentally do it we have a way of fixing it (providing you have government ID), but it does take time and so we recommend not uninstalling if you don't have to.

send me the link to this please thank you.

Cat Lady

Registered: Aug 13, 2009
Posts: 43

Fri Jul 22, 2016 10:34 am
It worked!! I removed the app and reinstalled it and I still have everything. :) But it did not fix any of my glitches. I am still having issues with the picture frames despite everything I do, and still cannot access most of my buttons up top, including my "Help" and "Add YoCash" buttons. :(


Registered: Jan 08, 2010
Posts: 10257

Fri Jul 22, 2016 10:42 am
Lana (113831534) wrote:It worked!! I removed the app and reinstalled it and I still have everything. :) But it did not fix any of my glitches. I am still having issues with the picture frames despite everything I do, and still cannot access most of my buttons up top, including my "Help" and "Add YoCash" buttons. :(

Good Morning lana,
I am having a hard time trying to "save information in here." I had this information and read it many times on what to do if you have this problem. I have to depend on my weak memory. Some days its good some days not.
To get the grey buttons to turn on. refresh a few times. and turn off your pop up blocker for a while. You can turn it back on after they turn on see if this works .. ok. .. get back here tell me. ok?

Cat Lady

Registered: Aug 13, 2009
Posts: 43

Fri Jul 22, 2016 11:23 am
I have already tried that and it still didn't work. :( But thank you anyway :)

Cat Lady

Registered: Aug 13, 2009
Posts: 43

Fri Jul 22, 2016 12:18 pm
Someone suggested I try a new browser and it WORKED!!!!! NO MORE GLITCHES!!!! I switched to Microsoft Edge (came with the Windows 10 update). My pictures are back, my buttons are back, EVERYTHING is back!!!! :D Ty all for your input, it is greatly appreciated. :)


Registered: Jan 08, 2010
Posts: 10257

Fri Jul 22, 2016 1:57 pm
Lana (113831534) wrote:Someone suggested I try a new browser and it WORKED!!!!! NO MORE GLITCHES!!!! I switched to Microsoft Edge (came with the Windows 10 update). My pictures are back, my buttons are back, EVERYTHING is back!!!! :D Ty all for your input, it is greatly appreciated. :)

wow. are you serious. that is nice.
I dont have 10 yet.


Registered: May 19, 2009
Posts: 2185

Sun Jul 24, 2016 5:16 am
ZipLocket (144540244) wrote:
Lachlan (102963253) wrote:One of the Vikings posted this in 2014 so I'm not sure if it still applies in 2016

Gary Stevenson wrote:Yeah, Facebook basically changed it so that new players in YoWorld get given a player ID that is specific to the application instead of their general one. What this means is that if you uninstall the app and then reinstall it, it treats you like a new player, your old account ID no longer matches your new one and so you start off fresh. Now, if you accidentally do it we have a way of fixing it (providing you have government ID), but it does take time and so we recommend not uninstalling if you don't have to.

send me the link to this please thank you.

Sorry I couldn't find the original, but this thread is similiar , check Post 4 viewtopic.php?f=2&t=29581


Registered: Jan 08, 2010
Posts: 10257

Sun Jul 24, 2016 11:50 am
Lachlan (102963253) wrote:One of the Vikings posted this in 2014 so I'm not sure if it still applies in 2016

Gary Stevenson wrote:Yeah, Facebook basically changed it so that new players in YoWorld get given a player ID that is specific to the application instead of their general one. What this means is that if you uninstall the app and then reinstall it, it treats you like a new player, your old account ID no longer matches your new one and so you start off fresh. Now, if you accidentally do it we have a way of fixing it (providing you have government ID), but it does take time and so we recommend not uninstalling if you don't have to.

--- I asked a question concerning this. I would like to know when facebook asks players for a PLAYER ID? Did he mean if a player uninstalls and reinstalls your old account is no more?
The BVG team, he zynga Team have always used this as a resort to boot your game back and every single one of them who advised me, a friend or an acquaintaince has always said you do not lose anything.
I want to know when this happened in facebook, the dates and data. Where does it say this so I may bookmark this and add this to my own knowledge base.
What was the date when Gary QUoted this please.
2014-- Could that have been the time when BVG took over or the migration from My Space to Facebook? Because at that time, that is true. You could only have 1 account in each Server, My Space, Tagged, Facebook. Tagged already shut down and there was a "migration then too."
The way this migration went was nearly the same as the MySpace and Facebook migration only in the Tagged to Facebook Migration much of the items refused to transfer over. Tagged put a "stopper on the individual transfers." Personally I think it was the "alt accounts on Tagged. Some were able to transfer over item individually and some were not.
I was able to, Oh I was a baby learning and had no clue. I had some friends at tagged and I did not like playing on on fb as I never seen them on the fb server, only tagged.
When I transfered my items, I had no problem doing this. Everything went perfect. I gifted my other player. no problem. We buddied one another. But, others could not transfer and at the time, I did not understand why not. People were screaming their items were stolen in tagged and a huge upheaval was happening. I just sat and listened wondering why. Then it happened.
AN acquaintance, asked me if my stuff stayed on my other account. I said yes. he asked if I would take a few items and gift to my other in fb and then from fb gift his because he said he was stupid and could not buddy himself.
SO,, I felt right away not to trust this person as I obey rules and dont want to be in any trouble or aroound mischief. I used the excuse I did not know him in fb. He said he would buddy me there.
He knew other of my friends. I wonder why he did not ask them but ask a 2 month old person .
I fugured that out... Now I figured it out.. I figured it out why when the transfers happend from My space to FB.. You cannot transfer any ALT account things to another alt or another MAIN on another server UNLESS you are a Main. It has to be Main to Main. The method used in tagged was Gifting a stranger Not a buddy, This person wanting me to do this Never buddied me in tagged but we had friends. People make me so mad! here I am a yobaby and they do crap like this behind the scenes to noobs. I did not know how to dress yet, use a globe, I did not know nothing. I walked all over Yo getting lost and it took me near 6 months to know about working in the factory every day. .. I thin BVG needs to tag a noob so no one can do this crap to them.. They need to be in own little place to play with GOOD folks.. period.
This is why I think Gary was saying this in reference to the migration from MySpace to Facebook as this happened in 2014.. Yes, fb did not make changes about the 1 ID. It was always in place. It had to be in place because in the Tagged migration the same exact things happened. YOu could not gift to an alt on antoher server nor could you gift from an alt. In tagged you could not gift from your main to your alt at all, much less across servers.