Registered: Jan 08, 2010
Posts: 10257
Sat Aug 15, 2015 2:05 pm
Smeegle (11706202) wrote:I have been playing for years and want to sell off some of my older (no longer used) items. I have 20+ houses and have no idea which house certain items are in. Other than going thru inventory, which is slow and cumbersome, how can I more easily look at the items in each of my homes? I will be gifting some items as well.
Any suggestions welcome!
Did you say Easy?Here is the easiest way. Go in your car, drive down to the bank, Take out 1000 dollars. Call BVG tell them a .com in 1 week.
or .. the other Easy way is this .
Upload all the fb account pictures to your own . com and hire kids to put in order for coins. Take pictures of all your things Upload on your own .com site and dont Invite BVG in there. Ban them. Then after you ban them make them an offer they cant refuse.
Hold all the BVG hostages until you get your . com. buy buying jacob shots for 50 yocash to keep him drunk.
please do not tell them I told you the easiest way. Then you set up a stock market to take their coins so they cant do anything but buy shots for jacob to get drunk and buy yocash pizza and fries that look like a nice picture on their computer.
ANd then. you buy all the staff at bvg a nice tshirt at no cost to you but them. Be sure to say YoWorld on the yadda with a zipper on a mouth.
I was suppose to keep this secret but. sometimes the zipper comes down and no telling what pops out.