Ashleigh YPS
Registered: Sep 01, 2015
Posts: 26
Sun Aug 27, 2017 2:18 pm
Hi everyone My name is Ashleigh and in yoworld i go by BillieJo but I recently changed my name and the reason why i am doing this is because one of the admins started a new page called "Yoworld Pirate Ship" its on fb page all you have to do is like the page & share so we can have more fans the more fans we have the more giveaways and there is also good prizes hair facial features etc we would also like your suggestion or comment on our page we would appreciate your suppor the only admins so far is me and this other girl Ashley who created the page it would mean alot if you looked into it tysm for your time & effort.
Also if you would like to be an admin message me or Ashley on the page of the contest!!! xo
Here is the page: ... 616319922/