Registered: Sep 01, 2009
Posts: 847
Fri May 11, 2018 7:50 am
Hello! The other night, while watching the first semi-final of ESC (Eurovison Song Contest... -what is it? A
mostly trashy LOL european music competition, 43 countries participating this year. The music is mostly meh imo, but I love to watch the scenic aspect) I made some sketches "Yo"-style... so... I though I'd share : )
They are random female artists chosen by the outfit only.
Forgive the quality, they are just pencil sketches on a notebook I had at hand, not really the best...
p.s. If curious on how they actually looked, google the name of the singer or country together with "esc2018", youtube has videos of all the performances : )
---Aisel (Azerbaijan)

---Franka (Croatia)

---Eleni Foureira (Cyprus)

---Saara Aalto (Finland)

---Netta (Israel)

---Ieva ZasimauskaitÄ— (Lithuania)