Exercise - WorkOut- Body Building- is Universal Everybody needs it!! We also have old items that will fit in with the theme.
Make A Gym in YoWorld....YW-GYM ....GYM World...we all need to stay healthy. Purchase Equipment, Clothing, Food, etc. Have fun and exercise with Friends....(indoor pool)
Personal Gym (new Avenue(mini house) with a front yard and parking spaces, exercise room, kitchen nook, bathrooms/showers area)
Yard decor: grass, flowers, trees, benches, new floor tiles, concrete tiles, waterfalls, etc.(keep prices down on decor staples)
Exercise Equipment purchase at YoWorld Gym -Home Gyms, ie; Weight Bench
Bench Press, modern, Rubber Equipment Mats & Treadmill Mats, etc...etc..etc.
Furniture: Kitchen items, food, eating area, tables and chairs..Posters
Bathroom items, Showers, Hot Tubs, Mirrors, Scales, sitting areas..
Purchase Items at the GYM like we do at Music Store, Gifts, YoDepot. specifically related to a GYM....Keep them permanent...affordable. Better equipment at higher price just like in real life..
This could be a New Beginning!!! Might be doable and can be added to....Just my suggestion today...
Lots of Pictures on the internet of Gyms. Get a major Gym onboard to allow resemblance of their image into YoWorld in trade for free advertisement...ie Planet Fitness.
For use of idea only....istock photo