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Pete (2679242) wrote:Veronica (122961678) wrote:On my earlier post, which has been quoted tons of times, I see people only focused on what I said about yocash rates and some took it as complaining, some totally misunderstood.
Let me explain again what I was trying to say, the reason why yocash rates always go upwards rapidly, is the super expensive coin items. I am not blaming yocash dealers at all. They pay for their yocash and they want to earn maximum coins they can out of it in game because they want to afford those crazily expensive expired items.
If those items, get re-released and stay in stores, people will need less coins to get them right? So everyone can buy yocash for spending in store, for themselves, for fun! and not because they have to make millions of coins quickly.
This will set things more stable. Yocash rates are just a part of this chain of inflation. And it wasn't all that I was talking about. In todays circumstances of course nobody will want to deal yc less than 20-30k to 1. Because coins have nearly no value, because old items' prices always go up. All the time, everyone needs more coins more and more and more and this is an infinitve cycle.
I mean where do we get the need to deal so much yocash from instead of spending our own yocash for ourselves. To help people? In some cases could be, but for majority the answer is because we need coins. A LOT OF COINS. Because the factory doesn't pay enough to cover all the price jacking that WE, US, PLAYERS create in game.
An item I bought for 400k back in 2010 is now 14mil. Pretty soon we will end up with 100k to 1 rates and the dearly loved retros will cost like 100mil. And we will be asking for a 1mil button on trade screen.There is no max/top point. But we will probably still be earning 1500c from the factory. Can you see a good future out of this? I can't. This is not healthy. We still have 50c sunglasses in store, and the bank pays 100c for 1yocash, according to that we get good coins from the factory. But with the expired items, we managed to corrupt the game's economy that was originally designed. It is nobody's but Zynga's fault. And now it can be fixed by re-releasing...
This is so true. A lot of people make the mistake of thinking that a re-released item will be put back into the store and then removed again, allowing the prices to climb once again. A re-released item should stay in store, preventing them from gaining in value, thus permanently decreasing their value. This would go some way towards stabilizing the economy. This would allow BVG created items to take the place of Zynga items. BVG items could be removed from store allowing them to gain in value.
SW3RV3 (176751625) wrote:The votes speak for itself. As others have said the amount of people will be angry at all the hard work they have put in towards all these new players just joining the game. I say leave the game how it is and update,bring in newer themes as the game grows. In this point in time there is no need for re-releases. We can all agree on 1 thing: We want new themes. That is something we are likely to see in the future. Nice topic and cool voting option.
LooLYo (183302531) wrote:Pete (2679242) wrote:Miles NBN (181574628) wrote:NO! They wreck the fun of collecting rare items. It also is a big punch in the face for those who made massive amounts for the items which are now worth nothing.
The average price for a bowl of strawberries is 695 000 coins. Is it really that rare that it justifies that kind of price, how will new players entering the game compete with prices like that?
Maybe they're good strawberries.. But yeah, new people to the game aren't easily going to be able to handle prices like that for simple items.
VER0NiCA (165115265) wrote:I vote no. Reason being, people work hard for certain items.
It's a huge slap in the face to see an item that you worked hard to get, paid alot to get.
Then watch all the people who had not worked nearly as hard as you did, get handed to
for nearly nothing, and not even a quarter of the work.
Why should they be rereleased? If they were released once, and you didn't buy then,
Then thats your fault. no one elses.
Maria (140783866) wrote:Right now in order to buy let say pink retros (avr. price now is what, 30 million coins) you will have to spend almost $8.580 real dollars... let see
You will have to buy 70.000 yocoins at $20.00, approximately 429 times in order to come up with 30 million yocoins.
That would translate to $8.580 REAL DOLLARS. I have a question.... How many of you spent that much on this game?
Or you may say buy YC, 660 for $100, wonderful idea, but in order to make 30 million ycoins, someone would have to charge someone also 46.000 to 1 rate...
I don't know about you, but I don't know anyone who can afford this kind of rate.
Pete (2679242) wrote:The point of re-releasing and leaving items in stores permanently would be to stabilize the economy so that is becomes sustainable.
As Maria pointed out, what new player in their right mind will spend thousands to afford a some pixels that they don't really own.
Yoville's economy is unsustainable the way it's going. Something's gotta give at some point.
Speed 711 (184081390) wrote:When they first took over and asked for input I suggested they put all themes back in the store FOREVER to kill that corrupt greedy little underground market. Time for change.