Hi! All the previous rooms are wonderful! Good luck to everyone. This is my entry:

The ENO2024 list:
1. Playful Yarn NPC ENO2024
2. Sporty Yarn NPC ENO2024
3. Large winter river yarn twist
4. Large emerald river yarn twist
5. Large blue river yarn twist
6. Knitted Spring Yarn Tree
7. Clickable yellow yarn curtains
8. Red Yarn knitted Ceiling fan
9. Red yarn knitted cozies hot
10. Red yarn knitted cozy late
11. Red yarn knitted table lamp
12. Woven floral petals ENO2024
13. Woven floral pond ENO2024
14. Woven Frame garden window
15. Woven Frame winter window
16. Woven Lily pad pond ENO2024
17. Woven saky horizon ENO2024
18. Woven spring pond ENO2024
19. Woven yarn bush ENO2024
20. Woven yarn daffodil ENO2024
21. Woven yarn flower bed
22. Woven yarn rose ENO2024