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Registered: Jun 21, 2011
Posts: 7266

Mon Jan 13, 2025 12:40 pm
Maleficent (5257874) wrote:
Beatrice (178761483) wrote:
Stardust (186190305) wrote:Many years ago when Viking Jess was still here, there were people who asked what 1 in 3 chance mean, and she kindly replied by giving an example of coin flips and probability. However, when I asked what did 3X chance mean, 3X from WHAT?? She did not reply, and to this day, nobody knows 3X from what, lol. I guess people assume that it is 3X from the "normal" odds, but what is the "normal" odds? Nobody knows, either. So to me, it means nothing, and that's why I did not buy these hat crack boxes though I like the Super Rares.

Now, I am reminded of this quote:

"That's the whole point of good propaganda. You want to create a slogan that nobody's going to be against, and everybody's going to be for. Nobody knows what it means, because it doesn't mean anything.”

― Noam Chomsky

I just did that …. I tried to get them to explain to me what is meant by 3x —— every way I tried to mathematically work it out …. I was wrong. — Then Andrew on Discord states that the common items carry more weight - that makes sense

so when they tell us the rare is one of 8 items …. and you have a 3x greater chance of winning the rare - Right? … that is what is implied in the ad

what they dont tell us is how many more of the common items are in the chest with the 3 rares put in for every pull

given the law of averages, its impossible to keep pulling chests and never win

- what we do know is it took someone 28 times — to nab one rare ……. so that would make the number of items in the chest some where about 100? with 3 of them being rare so the chances of winning a rare items of one in about 30; at least with this box. — when I see that, I dont feel so badly about my chests rarely being winners

I have to say something:
I have very few true friends in game and yesterday one of them come to me wearing the rare hat so I asked her how many boxes did she buy to get and she said ONE. Now I seriously think SOME account have different algorithms . Mine is obviously the VERY LUCKY one lmao That makes me so more angry

I sometimes win on the first few boxes; but I dont always win and it’s not a predictable pattern. — I won a hot pot tub thing with the 2nd box; but bought 2 of the hats and didnt. — it is I think really random. —— Im surprised some of the facebook groups havent done some accounting of their own, tracking odds etc - I would love to see casino stats; to my knowledge us comparing our win/loss records wouldnt be against the rules —— we might actually be able to prove that some servers actually have better odds then others??

#1 YoFiend

Registered: Oct 04, 2009
Posts: 55898

Mon Jan 13, 2025 12:51 pm
Beatrice (178761483) wrote:
Stardust (186190305) wrote:Many years ago when Viking Jess was still here, there were people who asked what 1 in 3 chance mean, and she kindly replied by giving an example of coin flips and probability. However, when I asked what did 3X chance mean, 3X from WHAT?? She did not reply, and to this day, nobody knows 3X from what, lol. I guess people assume that it is 3X from the "normal" odds, but what is the "normal" odds? Nobody knows, either. So to me, it means nothing, and that's why I did not buy these hat crack boxes though I like the Super Rares.

Now, I am reminded of this quote:

"That's the whole point of good propaganda. You want to create a slogan that nobody's going to be against, and everybody's going to be for. Nobody knows what it means, because it doesn't mean anything.”

― Noam Chomsky

I just did that …. I tried to get them to explain to me what is meant by 3x —— every way I tried to mathematically work it out …. I was wrong. — Then Andrew on Discord states that the common items carry more weight - that makes sense

so when they tell us the rare is one of 8 items …. and you have a 3x greater chance of winning the rare - Right? … that is what is implied in the ad

what they dont tell us is how many more of the common items are in the chest with the 3 rares put in for every pull

given the law of averages, its impossible to keep pulling chests and never win

- what we do know is it took someone 28 times — to nab one rare ……. so that would make the number of items in the chest some where about 100? with 3 of them being rare so the chances of winning a rare items of one in about 30; at least with this box. — when I see that, I dont feel so badly about my chests rarely being winners

Yay math! :love:

What we need to know is the NUMBER OF OUTCOMES ASSIGNED TO EACH OF THE EIGHT ITEMS or if they are using percentages, the total percent assigned to each item. From this we can calculate the total number of outcomes for all items, and then determine the % chance of winning each item. My example:

Items 1-6 = 94 Chances To Win
Items 7-8 = 6 Chances To Win (Super Rares @ 3 Each)

This would give players a 6% chance of winning. They need to use percentages on the pop ups. They are simple and people understand them. People feel deceived with all these nonsense marketing based statements. If the pop up said "YOU HAVE 6 CHANCES TO WIN A SUPER RARE OUT OF 100 TRIES", then the reality is right there for people to decide. But they use the imaginary "3x" instead. 3 times WHAT? 3 times out of what? They provide NEITHER of these. It's deceptive. And it is not an accident people get frustrated. They see "3X Chance To Win" and that reads "I'm going to win 3X faster" in their heads. And BVG knows it and uses it to deceive.



Registered: Nov 17, 2008
Posts: 243

Mon Jan 13, 2025 12:54 pm
Beatrice (178761483) wrote:
Maleficent (5257874) wrote:
Beatrice (178761483) wrote:
Stardust (186190305) wrote:Many years ago when Viking Jess was still here, there were people who asked what 1 in 3 chance mean, and she kindly replied by giving an example of coin flips and probability. However, when I asked what did 3X chance mean, 3X from WHAT?? She did not reply, and to this day, nobody knows 3X from what, lol. I guess people assume that it is 3X from the "normal" odds, but what is the "normal" odds? Nobody knows, either. So to me, it means nothing, and that's why I did not buy these hat crack boxes though I like the Super Rares.

Now, I am reminded of this quote:

"That's the whole point of good propaganda. You want to create a slogan that nobody's going to be against, and everybody's going to be for. Nobody knows what it means, because it doesn't mean anything.”

― Noam Chomsky

I just did that …. I tried to get them to explain to me what is meant by 3x —— every way I tried to mathematically work it out …. I was wrong. — Then Andrew on Discord states that the common items carry more weight - that makes sense

so when they tell us the rare is one of 8 items …. and you have a 3x greater chance of winning the rare - Right? … that is what is implied in the ad

what they dont tell us is how many more of the common items are in the chest with the 3 rares put in for every pull

given the law of averages, its impossible to keep pulling chests and never win

- what we do know is it took someone 28 times — to nab one rare ……. so that would make the number of items in the chest some where about 100? with 3 of them being rare so the chances of winning a rare items of one in about 30; at least with this box. — when I see that, I dont feel so badly about my chests rarely being winners

I have to say something:
I have very few true friends in game and yesterday one of them come to me wearing the rare hat so I asked her how many boxes did she buy to get and she said ONE. Now I seriously think SOME account have different algorithms . Mine is obviously the VERY LUCKY one lmao That makes me so more angry

I sometimes win on the first few boxes; but I dont always win and it’s not a predictable pattern. — I won a hot pot tub thing with the 2nd box; but bought 2 of the hats and didnt. — it is I think really random. —— Im surprised some of the facebook groups havent done some accounting of their own, tracking odds etc - I would love to see casino stats; to my knowledge us comparing our win/loss records wouldnt be against the rules —— we might actually be able to prove that some servers actually have better odds then others??

Again I think it depends on the account. I have a friend that always win PDE and loose at SLOT. The other one always find rare hairs and hats but has no luck at any kind of casino. I am the black sheep and win nothing :)) The alghorithm is not random it depends on something I still do not understand. If anybody knows and can tell me :))))


Registered: Nov 17, 2008
Posts: 243

Mon Jan 13, 2025 12:57 pm
Vice (126579776) wrote:
Beatrice (178761483) wrote:
Stardust (186190305) wrote:Many years ago when Viking Jess was still here, there were people who asked what 1 in 3 chance mean, and she kindly replied by giving an example of coin flips and probability. However, when I asked what did 3X chance mean, 3X from WHAT?? She did not reply, and to this day, nobody knows 3X from what, lol. I guess people assume that it is 3X from the "normal" odds, but what is the "normal" odds? Nobody knows, either. So to me, it means nothing, and that's why I did not buy these hat crack boxes though I like the Super Rares.

Now, I am reminded of this quote:

"That's the whole point of good propaganda. You want to create a slogan that nobody's going to be against, and everybody's going to be for. Nobody knows what it means, because it doesn't mean anything.”

― Noam Chomsky

Again this is misleading advertisment and is not legal where I live

I just did that …. I tried to get them to explain to me what is meant by 3x —— every way I tried to mathematically work it out …. I was wrong. — Then Andrew on Discord states that the common items carry more weight - that makes sense

so when they tell us the rare is one of 8 items …. and you have a 3x greater chance of winning the rare - Right? … that is what is implied in the ad

what they dont tell us is how many more of the common items are in the chest with the 3 rares put in for every pull

given the law of averages, its impossible to keep pulling chests and never win

- what we do know is it took someone 28 times — to nab one rare ……. so that would make the number of items in the chest some where about 100? with 3 of them being rare so the chances of winning a rare items of one in about 30; at least with this box. — when I see that, I dont feel so badly about my chests rarely being winners

Yay math! :love:

What we need to know is the NUMBER OF OUTCOMES ASSIGNED TO EACH OF THE EIGHT ITEMS or if they are using percentages, the total percent assigned to each item. From this we can calculate the total number of outcomes for all items, and then determine the % chance of winning each item. My example:

Items 1-6 = 94 Chances To Win
Items 7-8 = 6 Chances To Win (Super Rares @ 3 Each)

This would give players a 6% chance of winning. They need to use percentages on the pop ups. They are simple and people understand them. People feel deceived with all these nonsense marketing based statements. If the pop up said "YOU HAVE 6 CHANCES TO WIN A SUPER RARE OUT OF 100 TRIES", then the reality is right there for people to decide. But they use the imaginary "3x" instead. 3 times WHAT? 3 times out of what? They provide NEITHER of these. It's deceptive. And it is not an accident people get frustrated. They see "3X Chance To Win" and that reads "I'm going to win 3X faster" in their heads. And BVG knows it and uses it to deceive.


#1 YoFiend

Registered: Oct 04, 2009
Posts: 55898

Mon Jan 13, 2025 1:07 pm
Maleficent (5257874) wrote:The algorithm is not random it depends on something I still do not understand. If anybody knows and can tell me :))))

The algorithm is most likely as random as any. The beauty of the random algorithm is that it is truly easy to write it to be 100% random. BVG most likely downloaded one from the internet and has used it from the first time they needed one. This is not the problem.

The problem is based in what is called the "seed value". Every algorithm (math calculation) has to have a starting point (a number). This seed value is not random for us. It is fixed. That's why I've seen people open 10 boxes and get 8 of the same thing. That is statistically improbable with truly random seeds. It is all the evidence we need to know that each account in Yo has a baseline seed value that never changes. The other evidence is players who always win at PDE and not SLOTS, or always or never get the rarest prizes. Their seed for that gamble event is fixed.

Think of the seed as your home address. If I put a child in a car and have them drive around your town, it will randomly end somewhere. But if I start the child at your house every time, the odds of them stopping at the same locations go up dramatically - not random. But if I start the child downtown one time, in the country once, at a school, at a grocery, etc etc - the odds of that child ending up in truly random places goes WAY UP. This is how the algorithms work.

BVG needs to buy a seed generator and use it to seed their gambling. If they don't want to buy one, they could simply use a table of seeds that they've jumbled up and share it with everyone. That way every single time one of us uses it, the next gambler would take the next seed from the jumbled table. This would not be truly random, but it would greatly increase the randomness of their gambling events for all of us.


Registered: Nov 17, 2008
Posts: 243

Mon Jan 13, 2025 1:12 pm
Vice (126579776) wrote:
Maleficent (5257874) wrote:The algorithm is not random it depends on something I still do not understand. If anybody knows and can tell me :))))

The algorithm is most likely as random as any. The beauty of the random algorithm is that it is truly easy to write it to be 100% random. BVG most likely downloaded one from the internet and has used it from the first time they needed one. This is not the problem.

The problem is based in what is called the "seed value". Every algorithm (math calculation) has to have a starting point (a number). This seed value is not random for us. It is fixed. That's why I've seen people open 10 boxes and get 8 of the same thing. That is statistically improbable with truly random seeds. It is all the evidence we need to know that each account in Yo has a baseline seed value that never changes. The other evidence is players who always win at PDE and not SLOTS, or always or never get the rarest prizes. Their seed for that gamble event is fixed.

Think of the seed as your home address. If I put a child in a car and have them drive around your town, it will randomly end somewhere. But if I start the child at your house every time, the odds of them stopping at the same locations go up dramatically - not random. But if I start the child downtown one time, in the country once, at a school, at a grocery, etc etc - the odds of that child ending up in truly random places goes WAY UP. This is how the algorithms work.

BVG needs to buy a seed generator and use it to seed their gambling. If they don't want to buy one, they could simply use a table of seeds that they've jumbled up and share it with everyone. That way every single time one of us uses it, the next gambler would take the next seed from the jumbled table. This would not be truly random, but it would greatly increase the randomness of their gambling events for all of us.

Wow cool explanation thank you so much Vice


Registered: Aug 20, 2009
Posts: 17889

Mon Jan 13, 2025 4:32 pm
After years of misery I usually now limit myself to a fair amount of boxes (1-5 depending on how much yc I have) and then just leave it! Better than the pain :haha: If it's meant to be you'll get it!

Sometimes it's cheaper to just buy the rare in the auction house!


Registered: Nov 16, 2008
Posts: 9

Mon Jan 13, 2025 8:52 pm
Not related to the topic but would you mind telling me the name of that pink big flower accessorie you are wearing? TY


Registered: Apr 08, 2015
Posts: 25380

Tue Jan 14, 2025 12:03 am
Beatrice (178761483) wrote:
Stardust (186190305) wrote:Many years ago when Viking Jess was still here, there were people who asked what 1 in 3 chance mean, and she kindly replied by giving an example of coin flips and probability. However, when I asked what did 3X chance mean, 3X from WHAT?? She did not reply, and to this day, nobody knows 3X from what, lol. I guess people assume that it is 3X from the "normal" odds, but what is the "normal" odds? Nobody knows, either. So to me, it means nothing, and that's why I did not buy these hat crack boxes though I like the Super Rares.

Now, I am reminded of this quote:

"That's the whole point of good propaganda. You want to create a slogan that nobody's going to be against, and everybody's going to be for. Nobody knows what it means, because it doesn't mean anything.”

― Noam Chomsky

I just did that …. I tried to get them to explain to me what is meant by 3x —— every way I tried to mathematically work it out …. I was wrong. — Then Andrew on Discord states that the common items carry more weight - that makes sense

so when they tell us the rare is one of 8 items …. and you have a 3x greater chance of winning the rare - Right? … that is what is implied in the ad

what they dont tell us is how many more of the common items are in the chest with the 3 rares put in for every pull

given the law of averages, its impossible to keep pulling chests and never win

- what we do know is it took someone 28 times — to nab one rare ……. so that would make the number of items in the chest some where about 100? with 3 of them being rare so the chances of winning a rare items of one in about 30; at least with this box. — when I see that, I dont feel so badly about my chests rarely being winners

I am sorry you wasted your time trying every way to do it mathematically. It is nice that Viking Andrew stated that on Discord. Still, without knowing the kind of algorithm used for these boxes, nobody can do math to calculate our chance of winning, unless they tell us. It can be 100 items in the box, but it can also be 150, 200, 250, 300.... Even in 50% chance like a coin tos, you can get a tail 10 times in a row.

I am still eyeing the Super Rare in the AH :haha:


Registered: Apr 08, 2015
Posts: 25380

Tue Jan 14, 2025 12:25 am
Vice (126579776) wrote:
Maleficent (5257874) wrote:The algorithm is not random it depends on something I still do not understand. If anybody knows and can tell me :))))

The algorithm is most likely as random as any. The beauty of the random algorithm is that it is truly easy to write it to be 100% random. BVG most likely downloaded one from the internet and has used it from the first time they needed one. This is not the problem.

The problem is based in what is called the "seed value". Every algorithm (math calculation) has to have a starting point (a number). This seed value is not random for us. It is fixed. That's why I've seen people open 10 boxes and get 8 of the same thing. That is statistically improbable with truly random seeds. It is all the evidence we need to know that each account in Yo has a baseline seed value that never changes. The other evidence is players who always win at PDE and not SLOTS, or always or never get the rarest prizes. Their seed for that gamble event is fixed.

Think of the seed as your home address. If I put a child in a car and have them drive around your town, it will randomly end somewhere. But if I start the child at your house every time, the odds of them stopping at the same locations go up dramatically - not random. But if I start the child downtown one time, in the country once, at a school, at a grocery, etc etc - the odds of that child ending up in truly random places goes WAY UP. This is how the algorithms work.

BVG needs to buy a seed generator and use it to seed their gambling. If they don't want to buy one, they could simply use a table of seeds that they've jumbled up and share it with everyone. That way every single time one of us uses it, the next gambler would take the next seed from the jumbled table. This would not be truly random, but it would greatly increase the randomness of their gambling events for all of us.

I believe BVG already has a random seed value generator mechanism or program (in order to confuse us more, lol). A few days ago I mentioned that our computer's system clock might be affecting our wins and losses, it is because it can be used to initialize the random number generation algorithm they are using to simulate randomness.

And, perhaps it is not that they refuse to be transparent with these boxes; perhaps they are not sure themselves how the algorithm works with probability rates due to the randomness of the outputs. The balance will always be tilted to their benefit, but they might find it cumbersome to explain each time they release crack boxes, considering each release usually contain different numbers of common, super rare, and ultra rare. Each release is like a separate and different algorithm with different probability rates. I think they are using several types of crack boxes software, each with its own limitation for customization. Perhaps, they are confused themselves :haha: :silly:


Registered: Nov 17, 2008
Posts: 243

Tue Jan 14, 2025 3:56 am
srg (5200625) wrote:Not related to the topic but would you mind telling me the name of that pink big flower accessorie you are wearing? TY

Tranquil floral hair clips TG2022 :heart:


Registered: Nov 17, 2008
Posts: 243

Tue Jan 14, 2025 3:58 am
If they write 3x and it takes me 28 boxes to find a rare someone looses my respect. Also as I say again my will to play. Just do not write 3x (that to me was u have a chance every 3 boxes) and is ok.