Registered: Aug 08, 2009
Posts: 63
Fri Jun 13, 2014 1:25 am
THIS IS FROM MY FRIEND I LIKE WHAT SHE HAD TO SAY SO I REPOST THIS: It Has Come To My Attention!!! And Made Me Tear Up! People saying and badmouthing YoWorld and BVG! Same ON YOU, BVG's is trying hard to fix our beloved game and they care enough to make a genuine effort! They are good people with good hearts. Seriously Helen I get it! We've waited so long, since last summer and even before that when thinks started getting so bad. Hankers and mean spirited Yoville haters forced Zynga to give up on Yoville. Let's put the blame in the right place. OK !!!!!!!! BVG saved Yoville because We fought so hard and Now We have YoWorld!!! The damage those Hackers did will take time to undo and put everything back and working so PLEASE BE PATIENT and don't ruin it for US ALL YoPeeps!!! We Love YoWorld and We will wait patiently as long as it takes. The reward will be so worth it!!!!!!! DON'T BITE THE HAND THAT FEEDS YOU!!!!! YOU GET MORE FLIES WITH HONEY THAN YOU DO WITH VINEGAR!!!! WE LOVE YOU YOU BVG, YOU ARE THE BEST!!!! WE APPRECIATE YOUR EFFORTS ON OUR BEHALF!!!!