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Missy Angel

Registered: May 15, 2009
Posts: 2919

Mon Dec 30, 2024 8:17 am
You know what really annoys me? Price jackers. Ugh, can't stand 'em! Like, come on—putting a 2k top from the store in the Auction House with a 200k buyout? Really? Jacking the average price UP, up, and away like it’s some sort of evil YoBalloon? No thanks.

these tops are only 2k in store !!
Pink Ill Bliss Ill New Year Girl Top Ny2024

But here’s where I get my revenge: I buy 5 of those tops, slap 'em up in the Auction House for six fast hours with a buyout of 1990 coins, and then sit back to watch the average sale price nosedive like it’s taken a fall off a Yo Gazebo
Oh, and bonus—I rake in a few YoPoints while I’m at it. I’ve literally levelled up doing this and it works with furniture too .

Sure, I lose a few coins, but it’s 100% worth it just to imagine those price jackers staring at their screens, scrunching up their little Yofaces crying because their rip off scheme didn't work :haha: :haha: .

I'd rather sell items fast that I know others want for a reasonable price close to what the items is or was in the store than fill up AH with 15 pages of yolexes
and I've been asking for a hover in AH for ages that tells you if an item is in store and what price it is so ppl don't get ripped off course if we ever get that then that would spoil my fun :haha:


Registered: Apr 22, 2013
Posts: 1534

Mon Dec 30, 2024 9:04 am
We find our fun where we can LOL. I like that.

We do have the button to make the in store items go away so I doubt we will ever get a second in store feature. It doesn't hurt to dream though.


Registered: Jul 31, 2009
Posts: 17726

Mon Dec 30, 2024 12:09 pm
Missy Angel (102623999) wrote:You know what really annoys me? Price jackers. Ugh, can't stand 'em! Like, come on—putting a 2k top from the store in the Auction House with a 200k buyout? Really? Jacking the average price UP, up, and away like it’s some sort of evil YoBalloon? No thanks.

these tops are only 2k in store !!
Pink Ill Bliss Ill New Year Girl Top Ny2024

But here’s where I get my revenge: I buy 5 of those tops, slap 'em up in the Auction House for six fast hours with a buyout of 1990 coins, and then sit back to watch the average sale price nosedive like it’s taken a fall off a Yo Gazebo
Oh, and bonus—I rake in a few YoPoints while I’m at it. I’ve literally levelled up doing this and it works with furniture too .

Sure, I lose a few coins, but it’s 100% worth it just to imagine those price jackers staring at their screens, scrunching up their little Yofaces crying because their rip off scheme didn't work :haha: :haha: .

I'd rather sell items fast that I know others want for a reasonable price close to what the items is or was in the store than fill up AH with 15 pages of yolexes
and I've been asking for a hover in AH for ages that tells you if an item is in store and what price it is so ppl don't get ripped off course if we ever get that then that would spoil my fun :haha:

what a great imagination you have to think of this and a will to carry the idea through to completion. you have my admiration three fold. :D


Registered: Aug 01, 2009
Posts: 196

Mon Dec 30, 2024 2:13 pm
I don't hide "in store items" because that's usually where I get my YoCash items (for Coins) but I have seen the same thing happen everyday. Something that is in store for a few thousand coins is in the AH for 10x the OG price. I agree the prices are ridiculous for most of the items in the AH. So if I see something that is an actual good price I'll hit that buy now so fast. :phew:


Registered: Jun 21, 2011
Posts: 7266

Mon Dec 30, 2024 2:39 pm
I like the idea of listing some with a low sell out price point — Im going to do that next time I run into something like this (honestly I do a little of that everyday; because I often list items for one coin = that top I think I got a few hundred coins for …so if the avg sale is anything at all there must of been a few bought at a jacked up price)


Registered: Oct 19, 2009
Posts: 1315

Mon Dec 30, 2024 3:18 pm
I always check the "hide in-store items" box as I learned the hard way that I have paid far too much for very cheap Clothing store items. I am also the person who is the worst predictor of which items will drop in price and which ones will go up millions. I find myself waiting out an item and finding it either out of AH or way more expensive. I have paid top dollar for costumes only to find them for (literally) millions less a couple of hours later. I try to list my items low and I am often pleasantly surprised with what they sell for. Price jackers are usually easy to spot as they list their items for way more than the item is worth. I do check the ? option to see what range the item is selling for so these people can't hide for long and generally get no bids. All in all I love AH as it's good fun with fake money and it beats the heck out of going to events to find what I want. Or losing tons of money in the Casino trying for an item that I may never get.


Registered: Dec 29, 2008
Posts: 198

Mon Dec 30, 2024 3:23 pm
Clowns are always looking for suckers to rip off. But as the saying goes, caveat emptor. :thumbsup:


Registered: Feb 24, 2009
Posts: 24076

Mon Dec 30, 2024 6:08 pm
If there's anything I'm not certain is retired/vaulted/casino item and might be in the store, I just check the store before bidding or buying. I am one also who doesn't like to hide the in-store items as sometimes I buy YC items for coins. I got ripped off a couple times because I didn't check first and thought they were old retired items and nope. Double checking is the best solution to avoid the scams.

I do like your method to a degree, and I hope it helps some avoid the scams.


Registered: Apr 22, 2013
Posts: 1534

Mon Dec 30, 2024 7:25 pm
Here's something I do. When a decent item has a lot of bids but it's still super cheap, say 9000 or so, I'll bid it up to a low but better price. Low enough that hopefuly I won't end up buying it, and high enough that the seller is actually getting a few coins.


Registered: Aug 19, 2009
Posts: 454

Mon Dec 30, 2024 8:07 pm
LilyDarling (184957566) wrote:Here's something I do. When a decent item has a lot of bids but it's still super cheap, say 9000 or so, I'll bid it up to a low but better price. Low enough that hopefuly I won't end up buying it, and high enough that the seller is actually getting a few coins.

Same. Obviously the auction house is there for players to bid on items and get bargains, but i get sick of seeing players buy items dirt cheap, then try to resell for outrageous prices. Greed is alive and well on Yoworld. The saying “my item my price”, has ruined the game for me.

Missy Angel

Registered: May 15, 2009
Posts: 2919

Mon Dec 30, 2024 8:40 pm
Eric (115381899) wrote:
LilyDarling (184957566) wrote:Here's something I do. When a decent item has a lot of bids but it's still super cheap, say 9000 or so, I'll bid it up to a low but better price. Low enough that hopefuly I won't end up buying it, and high enough that the seller is actually getting a few coins.

Same. Obviously the auction house is there for players to bid on items and get bargains, but i get sick of seeing players buy items dirt cheap, then try to resell for outrageous prices. Greed is alive and well on Yoworld. The saying “my item my price”, has ruined the game for me.

that's exactly why I lower the average down to a reasonable price, can't stand greed.

and yeah I can tick the box and I can go look and see whats in store and I can go look on the "site" to see what items are older that have appeared on some deal pop up but are still in store I can do that but a lot of players don't or can't do that. Thats how I found out that clothing set was in store I ticked the box , .

Besides we are that used to everything being in the gambling and like zero items being released into the stores that its 2nd nature to just assume its a casino or slots item , can't ever read ALL of the name anyway.
As I said it would be different if we could hover and see the entire name and the instore price so say the hair that's up in AH, most of it is 18YC
the hover would have that price which is a good thing for those selling for coins
and have the designer's name in full and the code ALL of it not just a tiny bit and the rest cut off

but until that time I'll do my bit to reduce the prices of instore coin items in AH ...unless its Napa I'll leave those for who ever is selling stuff to their alts ;)

Missy Angel

Registered: May 15, 2009
Posts: 2919

Mon Dec 30, 2024 8:48 pm
LilyDarling (184957566) wrote:Here's something I do. When a decent item has a lot of bids but it's still super cheap, say 9000 or so, I'll bid it up to a low but better price. Low enough that hopefuly I won't end up buying it, and high enough that the seller is actually getting a few coins.

there's a difference in something no longer in store from 2015 or something that's say worth or should be worth say 10k and its only got a 100 coin bid on it and you bidding a bit more so the seller gets a reasonable price for it
that's a nice thing to do for another

and something that's 2k instore right now that's got bids of 250k because the average has been jacked up
that's just greed

Glad to see you are a nice person :D :heart:


Registered: Apr 22, 2013
Posts: 1534

Mon Dec 30, 2024 11:44 pm
Missy Angel (102623999) wrote:
LilyDarling (184957566) wrote:Here's something I do. When a decent item has a lot of bids but it's still super cheap, say 9000 or so, I'll bid it up to a low but better price. Low enough that hopefuly I won't end up buying it, and high enough that the seller is actually getting a few coins.

there's a difference in something no longer in store from 2015 or something that's say worth or should be worth say 10k and its only got a 100 coin bid on it and you bidding a bit more so the seller gets a reasonable price for it
that's a nice thing to do for another

and something that's 2k instore right now that's got bids of 250k because the average has been jacked up
that's just greed

Glad to see you are a nice person :D :heart:

Awww thanks. Now I feel all warm and fuzzy. :hug:

People trying to get something for nothing and not paying a fair price disgust me. I like messing with them. Someone who is minutes away from getting a 2M hair for 43k who then has to fork over 750k has gotta be mad. :D ;)

Fancy Nancy

Registered: May 20, 2009
Posts: 518

Tue Dec 31, 2024 8:15 am
Wow. It amazes me how much effort people put into policing others in this game and playing petty revenge games. If someone is pricing something too high, just don't buy it. Hate to say it, but there are always going to be price gougers in a game like this. It's a case of "let the buyer beware." Anyone who purchases items regularly in the AH will soon learn their lesson. If there is an item I like, I first click the "hide" button to see if it's in store. If it disappears, I check the store for the current selling price. I also learned to check my inventory to make sure I didn't purchase something in the past and forgot about it. On rare occasions I might make a choice to take a chance and purchase the item to be sure I don't miss out on it, but that's on me if I overpay. SMH


Registered: Apr 22, 2013
Posts: 1534

Tue Dec 31, 2024 6:25 pm
Fancy Nancy (103012635) wrote:Wow. It amazes me how much effort people put into policing others in this game and playing petty revenge games. If someone is pricing something too high, just don't buy it. Hate to say it, but there are always going to be price gougers in a game like this. It's a case of "let the buyer beware." Anyone who purchases items regularly in the AH will soon learn their lesson. If there is an item I like, I first click the "hide" button to see if it's in store. If it disappears, I check the store for the current selling price. I also learned to check my inventory to make sure I didn't purchase something in the past and forgot about it. On rare occasions I might make a choice to take a chance and purchase the item to be sure I don't miss out on it, but that's on me if I overpay. SMH

Policing? Ha, no, If I'm browsing and I see a seller getting hosed I will help out a little. That's all. I don't go looking.

You're welcome. :D

Missy Angel

Registered: May 15, 2009
Posts: 2919

Tue Dec 31, 2024 8:26 pm
Fancy Nancy (103012635) wrote:Wow. It amazes me how much effort people put into policing others in this game and playing petty revenge games. If someone is pricing something too high, just don't buy it. Hate to say it, but there are always going to be price gougers in a game like this. It's a case of "let the buyer beware." Anyone who purchases items regularly in the AH will soon learn their lesson. If there is an item I like, I first click the "hide" button to see if it's in store. If it disappears, I check the store for the current selling price. I also learned to check my inventory to make sure I didn't purchase something in the past and forgot about it. On rare occasions I might make a choice to take a chance and purchase the item to be sure I don't miss out on it, but that's on me if I overpay. SMH

not policing just having fun with people is all

sorry if you can't see the humour in it

Robyn VIP

Registered: Jan 27, 2009
Posts: 6282

Wed Jan 01, 2025 7:20 pm
Missy Angel (102623999) wrote:
Fancy Nancy (103012635) wrote:Wow. It amazes me how much effort people put into policing others in this game and playing petty revenge games. If someone is pricing something too high, just don't buy it. Hate to say it, but there are always going to be price gougers in a game like this. It's a case of "let the buyer beware." Anyone who purchases items regularly in the AH will soon learn their lesson. If there is an item I like, I first click the "hide" button to see if it's in store. If it disappears, I check the store for the current selling price. I also learned to check my inventory to make sure I didn't purchase something in the past and forgot about it. On rare occasions I might make a choice to take a chance and purchase the item to be sure I don't miss out on it, but that's on me if I overpay. SMH

not policing just having fun with people is all

sorry if you can't see the humour in it

I have fun in the AH too, I like buying low and reselling it at a higher price. :D


Registered: Oct 06, 2010
Posts: 803

Sat Jan 04, 2025 4:53 pm
Missy Angel (102623999) wrote:
Eric (115381899) wrote:
LilyDarling (184957566) wrote:Here's something I do. When a decent item has a lot of bids but it's still super cheap, say 9000 or so, I'll bid it up to a low but better price. Low enough that hopefuly I won't end up buying it, and high enough that the seller is actually getting a few coins.

Same. Obviously the auction house is there for players to bid on items and get bargains, but i get sick of seeing players buy items dirt cheap, then try to resell for outrageous prices. Greed is alive and well on Yoworld. The saying “my item my price”, has ruined the game for me.

that's exactly why I lower the average down to a reasonable price, can't stand greed.

and yeah I can tick the box and I can go look and see whats in store and I can go look on the "site" to see what items are older that have appeared on some deal pop up but are still in store I can do that but a lot of players don't or can't do that. Thats how I found out that clothing set was in store I ticked the box , .

Besides we are that used to everything being in the gambling and like zero items being released into the stores that its 2nd nature to just assume its a casino or slots item , can't ever read ALL of the name anyway.
As I said it would be different if we could hover and see the entire name
and the instore price so say the hair that's up in AH, most of it is 18YC
the hover would have that price which is a good thing for those selling for coins
and have the designer's name in full and the code ALL of it not just a tiny bit and the rest cut off

100% AGREE! The complete lack of vital info in AH provided to buyers is beyond frustrating, it's almost like BVG WANTS ppl NOT to make informed buying decisions. The greed runs right to the top in YW.


Registered: Oct 06, 2010
Posts: 803

Sat Jan 04, 2025 4:59 pm
Missy Angel (102623999) wrote:You know what really annoys me? Price jackers. Ugh, can't stand 'em! Like, come on—putting a 2k top from the store in the Auction House with a 200k buyout? Really? Jacking the average price UP, up, and away like it’s some sort of evil YoBalloon? No thanks.

these tops are only 2k in store !!
Pink Ill Bliss Ill New Year Girl Top Ny2024

But here’s where I get my revenge: I buy 5 of those tops, slap 'em up in the Auction House for six fast hours with a buyout of 1990 coins, and then sit back to watch the average sale price nosedive like it’s taken a fall off a Yo Gazebo
Oh, and bonus—I rake in a few YoPoints while I’m at it. I’ve literally levelled up doing this and it works with furniture too .

Sure, I lose a few coins, but it’s 100% worth it just to imagine those price jackers staring at their screens, scrunching up their little Yofaces crying because their rip off scheme didn't work :haha: :haha: .

I'd rather sell items fast that I know others want for a reasonable price close to what the items is or was in the store than fill up AH with 15 pages of yolexes
and I've been asking for a hover in AH for ages that tells you if an item is in store and what price it is so ppl don't get ripped off course if we ever get that then that would spoil my fun :haha:

LOVE THIS! (and thank you so much for doing it!!) :heart: :heart: :heart: :hug: :hug: :hug: