Jackie Haussen
Registered: Aug 20, 2010
Posts: 5267
Mon Jun 16, 2014 5:46 pm
Turn it into a beachside resort hotel. People can still work there but I have a better idea, they can work as hotel people, and work by the hour, but if there not on for a hour they earn the unit rate they have worked, then the more work you do, you can level up, to do bigger things and earn more money. For non-workers you can rent rooms to use for meetings or just a party/chat, or if you just want to get away
-Job Ideas
1. Maid 100c per hr
2. Bellhop 200c per hr
3. Pool boy/girl 250 per hr
4. Small business worker (spa, cafe, ect) 300 per hr
5. Big business worker (same thing, just different jobs and more money) 500 per hr
6. Board member (treasurer, manager, ect) 600 per hr
7. Vice president, Senior VP, Managing VP 700-800
8. President 800-900
9. Ceo 1k
Then with this, they could earn more and not wait like 6 hrs to work and get cheap amounts, this would boost the yo-economy
-Hotel Ammendities
1. Pool
2. Cafe?
3. Book Store
4. Spa
5. Bar
6. Gameroom (play games like the heart hunter, ect)
Thats all I have for ideas at the time