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Mizz Libra (136290570) wrote:Up until maybe mid 2011 I was quite happy with Zynga,but things had slowly added up to a point where it became annoying.
Security flaws,releases in a speed that was difficult to follow,changing forum moderators all the time,lack of open and honest communication with us players,etc.
I am grateful that Zynga hosted this game for us and even more grateful they sold to BVG instead of selling it.
I do prefer BVG so far
xKrAZExZmANx (175801908) wrote:I Liked them, they gave us 6 years of an amazing game.
TheGeneral(VaultKeeper) (14397783) wrote:Mizz Libra (136290570) wrote:Up until maybe mid 2011 I was quite happy with Zynga,but things had slowly added up to a point where it became annoying.
Security flaws,releases in a speed that was difficult to follow,changing forum moderators all the time,lack of open and honest communication with us players,etc.
I am grateful that Zynga hosted this game for us and even more grateful they sold to BVG instead of selling it.
I do prefer BVG so far
I dont think they had plans on selling it, more like plans to put it in the garbage until BVG heard about it and stepped in along with the Yo community.
LoVeLy DaRLiNG (148113684) wrote:No vote yet but Zynga Executives made a decision to let us have what we have now in the hands of BVG. Zynga Top Management didnt let the game just died and be buried in the grave. We were even showcased at Tech Crunch one company of one the Top Management/BOD/Stockholder of Zynga.
Personally Zynga made a corporate social responsibility decision too, than we all end up with a trauma in buying/supporting virtual games.
Paula (127963301) wrote:Probably not a good idea to be discussing another gaming company in a thread here Charlie. This is a BVG game forum. Don't forget where you are!
Mizz Libra (136290570) wrote:I meant to say instead of just closing it.
Chicken Pot Pie (145421360) wrote:LoVeLy DaRLiNG (148113684) wrote:No vote yet but Zynga Executives made a decision to let us have what we have now in the hands of BVG. Zynga Top Management didnt let the game just died and be buried in the grave. We were even showcased at Tech Crunch one company of one the Top Management/BOD/Stockholder of Zynga.
Personally Zynga made a corporate social responsibility decision too, than we all end up with a trauma in buying/supporting virtual games.
I think they just sold the game to save face... zynga was getting a lot of negative publicity, and their former track records with former games were being dragged out into the light.