Registered: Jun 14, 2009
Posts: 987
Thu Jun 12, 2014 8:04 am
but.. ... how's he going to feed his little flock of mini-bobbles? Did he R-U-N-N-O-F-T with that hoochie selling bikinis at the beach??? What's Mrs. Bob Bobble going to do??? She's going to have to sell some of their's a sad time in that family...or maybe he lost his hardhat and fell into that contraption he's been guarding for so long. Isn't there an entire fb group dedicated to him? I never did think he was bona fide.....then again, does this mean more automation at the factory? Will we ALL be laid off, replaced by (gasp) machines? Who'all is the union steward around here? Why can't I just pick a theme and roll with it? Who knows.....the factory guy sure doesn't, and if he does, where the heck is he to fill me in?
I shoulda taken my meds earlier this morning..... ...