Smitten Kitten
Registered: Nov 24, 2009
Posts: 24709
Thu Jun 12, 2014 11:14 am
I posted this there earlier. I will miss the easy access to our Team. Also, there are some folks still hanging on that page that are unable to log into this forum..idk why not????
i just have to say that as grateful as i am to have our designated forums again (THANK YOU BVG!!) i kinda miss logging on in the morning and seeing my FB notifications blown up with msgs from here. And, i will miss the easy interaction and banter with the Viking Team (Gary and Greg). I hope that you won't abandon us and will join us as often as you are able, both on forum and on game. You both have made this historic transition a memorable and fun experience. Thank you..and happy YoVersary. Was just one month TODAY that you took the reigns. So many changes already..and many more to come. Bravo, Team!! Well Done!! xxx