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Viking Trevor wrote:This thread is for entries only. Want to discuss the contest? Click here!
Can you feel it YoFans? Love is in the air! And we want you to show us where YOU would fall in love.
Your task is to set up a Valentine's-themed room that shows off your dream romantic getaway. Is it a serene beachside cottage? A cozy fireplace? Maybe the backyard gardens of the new B&B House? Maybe Valentine's Day isn't your thing and your dream getaway is a soul-searching retreat overseas. Whatever it is, we want to see it!
The rules will be similar to the Feature Challenge, but with a bit of a twist on the prizes! Keep reading for some more details!
The Task:
• Create a room that shows off your beautiful, dream romantic getaway!
• Take a screenshot of your Valentine's-themed space. Make sure your Yo is visible!
• Post your screenshot of your room in THIS THREAD.
• Include a link to your decorated room, so we can come visit!
• Click here to learn how to find your room link using your fancy new Homes Screen!
• Click here to learn how to take and post screenshots to the forums!
Deadline & Prizes:
• Submissions will be accepted until the deadline of Tuesday, February 14th at 12:00pm noon EST)
• TEN winners will be selected to 25 YoCash each, and double premium items (to be announced at a later date) - one to keep and one to give to a Valentine
Other Rules:
• Only one entry is allowed per player, but you are allowed to edit your entry until the deadline.
• Keep your rooms assembled (at least until the week’s winner is announced).
• You may edit, retract, or otherwise update your entry until the submission deadline. Any final images submitted to the challenge must match the room(s) when we visit to verify.
• The Forum Rules of Conduct and Posting Guidelines apply. Note that we will not tolerate complaints and attacks against any entries, either during the entry period or after the results are announced. Any posts that violate the spirit of this will be dealt with swiftly and permanently.
So, get to decorating! We can't wait to see what you come up with.