Another Realm of Shadows redux.
Land of the King Undying! The "house" would be the royal castle! So outside/approach, throne room, Great Hall/dining room, Royal bedchambers, Study/conference/work/ritual room and maybe dungeon/torture chamber? (They are dead they don't need a kitchen or bathroom anymore. They do rest though to conserve their energies. It's more like torpor.) We could also have costumes that are the disguise spells the Undead King and Queen use to seem alive too! You could add a bit more blue and get rid of the teal and make it turquoise!
I'll list which images should be part of the poll, probably going to include more to fully get the idea across for the artists though!
Outside (You could give us skulls, ravens, skeletal creatures, oddly glowing evil looking plants etc. Even evilly glowing jack-o-lanterns!)
Use this one for survey! (BE SURE to give us that sky though!!!)
Inside The images are from Sedlec Ossuary in the Czech Republic.
Everything is made or decorated with bones! Furniture, walls, and floors! Use this one for survey!
Use this one for survey!
This is from the Brno ossuary. It could work as the bedchambers, the sarcophagi could be "beds"?

Use this one for survey! (Mention the glow could be a different color. You could use the same blues as the queens image?) This would be awesome as a costume for us! We'd have the bones as a skin? and then clothing articles like the crown. Makeup could be facial glows. Maybe make a split image using these two for survey? The second one is to show clothing.

Split image?
Glamour disguise/how he looked in life?

Use this one for survey!
Split image?
Glamour disguise/how she looked in life! (You could easily use the blues from the above picture for this outfit too!)
NPC/alternate clothing ideas (You could give us skullface makeup for if we want to go without our helmets.)
Evil warriors
High General NPCs (Not expecting exact copies but along these lines!) They are vain, so always have a disguise spell on so they look as they did in life!
This one could be a Herald!

Court advisers! (Just get rid of the crown!)


Posting for the skeleton creatures which could be NPCs and Yobers! (BOTH!)

Cave Bear skeleton!

Posting for skeleton army!
Decos these could easily be made to fit the theme color scheme! Some of these are meant for the castle approach/outside. I do not expect this exact thing, but something along these lines? No luck finding a long conference/war council table though! I'd expect the foot ends to be skulls and the legs to be made of thigh bones though. The top may be carved white wood with eldritch symbols on it. Or have skulls where the legs join the table?
Alternate legs for war council table! (But make it a long rectangular table!)


Obviously not magenta/purple! Maybe have the tips be an angry vermilion (so more orange in the tint than a scarlet would have) red? I'd have this coming out of the skeleton above instead of the dessicated flower myself! More evil looking imo.