Viking Trevor
YoWorld Team
Registered: n/a
Posts: 1257
Mon Mar 06, 2017 2:53 pm
Hey YoFans!
The Facebook Fanpage Feature Challenge is back in action this week as we dig in to our St. Patrick's Day Theme extravaganza! As you may be aware, Ireland is chock full of culture; and one of the best places to tap directly into it is in the depths of an Irish Tavern! That means, your challenge this week is to put together your best
Irish Tavern! Whether it's modern or traditional, buried in the depths of a mysterious cave or nestled on the busy streets, we want to see your best attempt at one of these Irish-inspired watering holes!
This week,
5 winners will each get a prize of
35 YoCash,
and have their designs featured on our
Fan Page. The deadline for entry is next
Monday, March 13th at 12:00pm NOON (EST).
Happy hour has arrived, folks. So brew up your best designs and show off what you've got!
Remember, the Facebook Fanpage Feature Challenge Rules are as follows…
The Task:
• Create a room that fits this week’s task! Make sure to dress the part too.
• Other requirements or prizes may be specified in each week's task. Make sure to read the task thoroughly!
• Take a screenshot of your awesome room. Make sure your Yo is visible!
• Post your screenshot of your room in each week’s entry thread!
• Include a link to your decorated room, so we can come visit!
• Click here to learn how to find your room link using your fancy new Homes Screen!
• Click here to learn how to take and post screenshots to the forums!
Deadline & Prizes:
• Submissions will be accepted until the date specified in each week’s entry thread.
• FIVE winners will be selected to receive 35 YoCash each!
• Each winner will also be featured on the YoWorld Facebook Fanpage! Click here to go to our Fanpage
Other Rules:
• Only one entry is allowed per player per week.
• Keep your rooms assembled (at least until the week’s winner is announced).
• You may edit, retract, or otherwise update your entry until the submission deadline. Any final images submitted to the challenge must match the room(s) when we visit to verify.
• The Forum Rules of Conduct and Posting Guidelines apply. Note that we will not tolerate complaints and attacks against any entries, either during the entry period or after the results are announced, in the forums or on our Facebook Fanpage. Any posts that violate the spirit of this will be dealt with swiftly and permanently.
Click here to discuss this week's contest. Good luck!