ijOjO uK
Registered: Jul 23, 2009
Posts: 14008
Sat Jun 28, 2014 5:03 pm
Hey guys, I am posting in this forum as I am really desperate for the following item: Fairytale Fantasy King Throne.
I am trying to complete an events/ games room and need some of these thrones to do so. Having looked for a number of days straight, certain players have now started to price jack this item. I would therefore ask that if you have this item - if you would consider granting it to me per the wishlist and if you do I would rather you state what item you desire yourself in return. I am more than happy to gift you in return or pay a reasonable amount for it as well.
I know some of you guys in here do not head over to the trading forum where I have had a number of threads going over the last 4 days hence the reason for my post here.
Thanks for reading.