July 22, 2023 Wishlist
Happy July and Have An Amazing Weekend!
Wish List thread, here are a few basic rules:
1. One Wish List per 24 hours. Do not post two wish lists in the same thread. If you made an honest mistake please make sure to edit it and make sure to say you are sorry and that it was a mistake.
2. You are allowed two posts. One with your wish list and one with people you are gifting, or you can add your gifting list to your wish list post. It is totally up to you which one you do.
3. Do not post with an alternate account as this is against BVG Rules and my rules. If you post with an alt, you will be on my ban list and will be reported to BVG.
4. Be aware of the forum rules made by the Vikings. If you decide not to follow them I will report you.
5. Please keep your thank-you's to your angel's private message box, in your angel's home mailbox, or in Greg Paw's thank you thread.
I have had several complaints that people are taking up to much space on their posts with everyone thanking their angels. By having this rule I am just trying to make it a little easier for people to go through wishes.
6. No Rudeness! If you are rude you will be banned from posting in my thread.
7.Do not copy someone else's wish list. If you do not know how to make your own, you may ask someone in here to make you one, or you may have someone explain to you how to make one. But stealing someone else's wish list is now against this thread's rules, as it is extremely rude to do and it is also against this thread's.
8.Please keep the Wish list at a minimum. Written or picture, the maximum number of items is not to exceed 50.
If you would like a picture wish list, I or someone else who is willing can make you one.
9. If you gift something yo-cash, please put on your gifted list that you gifted them that item. It will make it so much easier for everyone else who also gifts things. And the ones who are gifted please, if you receive an item on your wish list please mark it off right away so other people do not send you the same item,
10. Saying thank you is a must. It is considered rude if you do not, and I will put you on my ban list. If you can take the time to post your wish list, then you can spend a few extra seconds to message that person and say thank you.
11. Also do not post and run! Constantly posting and running and never gifting anyone or just constantly posting only 1 person's name and not gifting anyone else is kind of rude, and can hurt other people's feelings.
12: Do not ask for yo-cash for a wish item. Yes, people can send yo-cash to people now, but please do not ask for it. If someone wants to send yo-cash, they will do so.
13: New Rule- No Spoilers. Seems we have been having some issues with people adding spoilers as wish items to their wish list. As per BVG rules, this is against forum rules. If you are caught adding spoilers to your wish lists you will be reported to BVG. If a future item has not been released into the game you are not allowed to post it in your wish list. It does not matter if it is going to be released five minutes from when you add it you are not allowed to add until it is actually in-game. So please keep this in mind when posting your wishes.
Be Kind to someone, and someone might be kind to you