Registered: Sep 19, 2009
Posts: 2982
Mon Jun 30, 2014 8:52 pm
Target : 1,5M
Collected: 1,5M
We are done!
Huge thanks to everyone who donated, wanted to donate and personal thanks to Cupid Lnh Toy !
Here is the case, a yoworld player, wants to buy an item worth like 1,5M. But they don't want to pay this jacked price and nobody wants to sell the item for less. They have been looking for a seller since days now without any luck. I've been in a similar situation recently and I know how disappointing it is not being able to get one silly item you really need/want for completing a design or a collection.
So I want to help this player but I can't do it alone.
If we can gather and everybody can put some coins, just whatever amount they would like, we can get this item.
If you want to contribute please just pm me and I will also send you the details about which item we are getting and who this player is as I don't want to mention here for not ruining the surprise.
I will make a list here and write down every donation. For those who want their name to be secret, I will just list it as contributer1, contributer2 etc. This way everybody can know when we collect enough.
5k, 10k, 1k, every little help counts.
So, anybody in ?