ShawnBB WolfeTvB
Registered: Jul 30, 2009
Posts: 151
Thu Jun 19, 2014 6:25 pm
This has been happening for a long time, and I'm not sure how often this happens to other people, but when I make an event, it seems nobody shows up, but if I go in another room and come back out, suddenly there's 3 people there all going 'Hello? Hello? Owner?' and after a little while I will go into another room and back out and there's two *more* people there who are quite angry because I've been "ignoring them" ???
It also seems that very few people come to my events, I would think a lot more people would show up to a PVM 09 Furniture Sale, but I get maybe 8 to 10 people, tops? I wonder how many I am missing due to the glitch above....