Hannah Blue
Registered: Aug 31, 2009
Posts: 6
Mon Oct 27, 2014 7:36 am
I played yoville all the time, until they said they were closing (taking with them my newly purchased 250 yo dollars)
Now YoWorld is back all of my houses and furniture including collectibles, are gone. I had at least 10 fully furnished houses. All of my pets are also gone, as they were in my houses. The icon for viewing my houses are greyed out and nothing I had in them returned to my inventory. Consequently I am out hundreds of real dollars
I just purchased a new house and now have no way of getting back to the one house (besides my apartment) I had,
That was a huge cost to me - all the houses and the furnishings - and I would like to know where they are and if I can get the money back (yo ville dollars) I had spent or the houses and furniture.
Any help wold be appreciated.