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Registered: Jan 08, 2010
Posts: 10256

Mon Aug 24, 2015 10:14 am
baby Jeeves (9353531) wrote:Do we have to be friends on FB to be neighbors here?

No- You do not have to be friends on facebook to be ( friends here )
Define Terms
Forum Helpers
Forum Teams.
At one time we had a lot more than now in way of a .com from our game. Now all we have is this and the pages scattered all over the universe of facebook. As a noob I was confused as what was "real, fake, scamming page, child page, teen page or out right stupid page started by morons that thought they could make a page and look kind of professional as they called them self "YOWORLD!"
First off we are not allowed to represent Yoworld unless you are "OFFICIAL."
And not one page is Official.

There that sums it up.

Neighbor - a neighbor is a person you have friended from this game as a friend neighbor, real life person. It is not some Yoworldian name, yovillian name or made up cartoon name.
It is not a real Identity. That is a neighbor. It is A formal, credit card, driver licensed, library id name.
Crew- is the same thing as a neighbor. They share hot dogs with you and the hot dog must work. You feed each other for energy. The things in your life feed your friend from things in their life with this hot dog. Its not just a pretty image. You click this and it give permission to the gammer person in this game to look at stuff you like in your life that eventually or even is in this game. it is called a cookie. Yoworld is your Santa in a way as you get items from real to in there and the things in here go back to real. A crew is important to level up, to get coins, help. I went without a crew for over a year and blocked half the earth for privacy issue fears of which I know now the game and fb is a lot more secure than we can imagine.

Hacking people talk about is a lot of kid language and people language when someone gets on your phone and plays your game! haha. Some cousin got on your phone and changed your name and profile picture and sends stupid hot dogs to people in yo world to scare the crap out of them so they block them!To a child this is hacking, to an adult this is not hacking.

BUDDY- A buddy is a buddy. They change names and you never know who the heck it is. One minute you are sitting with sue and the next minute it is a BOY named sue. Even worse, some change their names to insult you, follow you around and pop in the room. Many are poofers. A lot scam. They use this hiding technique and do a lot of damage. Don't get me wrong I have a lot of buddies that are sensational but all it takes is a few to ruin the game play for yourself. A buddy is only 1 minus away from out and you never know if you minus your best friend on earth as that happened to me so much. (I'M thankful bvg gave more chances and brought every single one of them back! )

Group- Page- Team -- We used to have groups, Pages and teams in the old .com. Through this, many of us learned how to jump from page to page in fb in tabs, windows in forums game and groups. We learn much in this game not just being a cartoon but becoming internet program savvy.
Again many groups pages and teams have little spys, hackers and thieves trying to get things for nothing. It used to be that facebook showed all our yocash live on the feed and the ones with the yo cash had the most friends. Go figure. It was not that they had friends. It was they had followers who wanted their items by becoming friends with them. Such is life. blah blah blah. A lot of jealousy happened. How stupid is that? We are all in this together.

Forum helpers - Forum teams. We used to have this too and I was never a part of this but nearly always felt excluded out of this. Not one person taught me anything in pages, in forums or in groups. When I asked a question people got defensive and block me. I swear I get really pissed if a person bought my hair I bought yo cash and sell in events, in auctions and here the same person who bought the hair in coins I bought in yocash cant answer a stupid question and blocks me.
I hope your hair falls off your head. It pissed me off! I get highly irritated at people who never spend a nickle, have huge pages and are selling off items I bought in yocash. Then when I ask if they have been in the community forums they ask me how to spell forums or say, "what's that.?"

No, you do not have to be my friend in fb to be friends here but you will not be in my crew or ever a "Bestie." People love real life too with their friends and in Yoworld. It's a wonderful place to meet and in fb it is grand to see pictures of flowers, cooking and be a part of another persons holiday when you are lonely.
Cartooning is not enough. This is not Second life with no accountability. People say, "Get a life." If a person does not think real life can be in here, they missed some lessons in this game.
Being kind without exceptions is one lesson. This game helps people who are other wise isolated to come out from this, Real life in Facebook is what it is.
The fun is meeting real life too.
That is what makes this entire game so strong and attached is real life facebook! We cant be cartoon only without facebook.
I think some of the super good facebook pages need a Stamp and over seer and if we go by the standard and principles to get reward of recognition by Big Viking games . This has never been done. I have worked on my page solitary since 2012. Yo Grab Bag.
I deserve a sticker!
I don't beg people to like me in facebook or in this game.